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August 8, 2006

The booming growth of private communist China. 

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August 8, 2006

A review of Why Kids Can’t Read: Challenging the Status Quo in Education.

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August 8, 2006

Disagreeing with recent conservative criticism of No Child Left Behind. 

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August 8, 2006
It is common to hear that public schools are failing our children. Despite this identified and obvious problem, giving parents an alternative – school choice – is fought tooth-and-nail by teachers’ unions and other advocates of government-run education. Scores of children, especially those in the inner city, find themselves trapped and essentially left behind while […] Read more »
August 1, 2006

A parent and educator points out that our public school classrooms are devoid not only of religion, but spirituality. 

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August 1, 2006

A college professor talks to aspiring teachers. 

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August 1, 2006
Finally, the need to improve foster care in America has begun to get the attention it deserves. Read more »
August 1, 2006

The Fordham Foundation takes a look at Hawaii's new weighted student funding law. 

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August 1, 2006

A Latino Republican and supporter of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger speaks out against the proposed LAUSD mayoral takeover. 

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