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July 18, 2006
(The final installment in a three-part series looking at the components of education, and what should be changed to achieve true reform.  Part 1 is here, and Part 2 is here.  -ed.) Read more »
July 11, 2006

The third in a series of articles from an anonymous student in an education school working towards certification as a math teacher. 

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July 11, 2006

It took two tries, but school choice is finally a reality in our nation's capital--and it's saving tens of thousands of children. 

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June 27, 2006

Teachers' unions have painted a picture of schools and teachers starved of money--a picture completely divorced from reality. 

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June 26, 2006

Our education school mole responds to comments on his introductory article and gives more inside perspectives.

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June 16, 2006
Every parent of a homeschooled child has a set of reasons why they decided to take the plunge and forever subject themselves to funny looks from strangers. I thought at first my reasons were anything but typical, but now I realize mine are the culmination of what would happen to any child not properly excised […] Read more »
June 13, 2006

The last in a series of articles responding to Eduwonk's comments on special education vouchers. 

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June 8, 2006
At the same time Texas Governor Rick Perry is circulating ads promoting property tax cuts (“Homeowners and businesses will save $15.7 billion on school property taxes”) achieved during the 79th Legislature’s third special session, called specifically to solve problems with constitutionality and funding in paying for Texas public schools, just emerging is that the special […] Read more »
June 7, 2006
I can only imagine how the conversation went.  Read more »
June 6, 2006
I don’t normally do this but I felt compelled to write about something more personal – our town, Port Washington’s school budget vote.     Read more »