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September 12, 2016
by Jeanne Allen the 74 September 12, 2016 At this year’s national charter school conference, school choice warrior Howard Fuller argued that we must partner with anyone who is aligned on helping kids. Like him, I am never ambivalent or silent when the truth about education reform is at stake. Well here I am, speaking […] Read more »
September 9, 2016
The claim that charter schools drain resources from traditional public schools is “absurd” and an “outright lie,” as many reputable researchers as well as editorial boards have acknowledged and documented. Read more »
September 2, 2016
When it comes to public charter schools and funding, it's time to set the record straight. Read more »
August 19, 2016
Teachers unions are leading a deliberate, deceptive campaign designed to scare those who support families’ rights to choose the best education for their children. Read more »
August 17, 2016
Instead of engaging in a honest debate about charters, critics try to shift the conversation to other topics, such as quibbling over whether a charter school waiting list that runs well over 30,000 kids might overcount by a few thousand. Or whether or not a pro-charter event could be held inside the State House. Read more »
August 2, 2016
We can’t innovate because the decisions about our children’s learning are still largely regulated by outdated, inflexible laws. We need to radically rethink everything education. Read more »
July 22, 2016
by Jeanne Allen Yorktown Crier & Poquoson Post July 21, 2016 Imagine a bi-partisan commission focused on one of America’s most pressing national issues. Imagine a consensus opinion on what needs to be done to save generations of American youth-at-risk. Now imagine ignoring those recommendations. Unthinkable to some, but the sad reality we see today. […] Read more »
July 22, 2016
In a toxic and unpredictable election cycle, Gov. Mike Pence’s record on education is exactly what we need: a reminder that education is the essential lever to expand opportunity for all Americans. Read more »
July 21, 2016
by Jeanne Allen The 74 July 20, 2016 Donald Trump’s attacks on Hillary Clinton were returned recently at the annual meeting of the American Federation of Teachers, the nation’s second-largest union, and the one representing most of the urban teachers in this country. “Mike Pence is one of the most extreme vice presidential picks in […] Read more »
July 19, 2016
Sometimes it takes a tragedy to remind us what’s important — and what not to take for granted. Nowhere is this more obvious for the education reform movement than in New Orleans. Read more »