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September 26, 2006

It doesn’t appear that very many people in the field of education--or in the mainstream media--understand effective reading instruction.

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September 19, 2006

Choice opponents in Arizona are turning to their last refuge: legal action against a policy they dislike.  This is the third such lawsuit against scholarship tax credits in Arizona, and like the previous two, this one is doomed to fail.

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September 19, 2006

A Los Angeles blogger takes an up-close look at the Green Dot revolution. 

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September 19, 2006

More than 50 million children across America returned to school over the past few weeks, and so now is a good time to consider how much we spend on public education and whether we’re getting good value for that money. This big-picture view is disheartening.

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September 12, 2006

Modern technology presents an innovative option in education.

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September 12, 2006

Who loses if parents are allowed to decide where their children attend school?

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September 12, 2006

There's more to Edmonton than just hockey. 

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September 12, 2006

School choice doesn't just benefit students. 

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September 12, 2006
Perspective on the Detroit teachers strike from a Michigan resident. 
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September 5, 2006

Ongoing events in Detroit are just the latest lesson about how special interest politics disserve kids.

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