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August 15, 2006

While deficiencies in NCLB must be remedied, we must also address the crazy ideas that still delude the education profession and the ridiculous union contracts that hamstring common-sense reforms.

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August 15, 2006

A conservative congressman has introduced new legislation based on an old idea: local control over education.

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August 8, 2006

Disagreeing with recent conservative criticism of No Child Left Behind. 

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August 8, 2006
It is common to hear that public schools are failing our children. Despite this identified and obvious problem, giving parents an alternative – school choice – is fought tooth-and-nail by teachers’ unions and other advocates of government-run education. Scores of children, especially those in the inner city, find themselves trapped and essentially left behind while […] Read more »
August 8, 2006
When statistical research makes the headlines, it’s important to read beyond the politically charged conclusions and take a look at the fine print. Interest groups often seize on a part of a study’s findings but leave the larger truth buried.  Read more »
August 8, 2006

What public education could stand to learn from the search engine giant. 

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August 8, 2006

The booming growth of private communist China. 

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August 8, 2006

A review of Why Kids Can’t Read: Challenging the Status Quo in Education.

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August 1, 2006

A parent and educator points out that our public school classrooms are devoid not only of religion, but spirituality. 

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