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May 18, 2019
Dear Charter School Friends,What a crazy thing - the Friday of National Charter Schools Week, presidential candidate Bernie Sanders says that as president he will put an end to charter schools.As my mother would have said, “the nerve!”Sanders’ comments - yelling about transparency (which of course exists) or regulation (which charters have plenty of!) and […] Read more »
May 13, 2019
by Jeanne AllenFoundation for Florida's FutureMay 13, 2019 Nearly 25 years ago, I had the opportunity to witness the beginnings of historic education reform in Florida. In 1995, Jeb Bush, who would be governor a few years later, was laying the groundwork for an educational renaissance in Florida and for the nation.On the morning of a […] Read more »
May 8, 2019
by Jeanne AllenForbesMay 8, 2019America is the land of innovation, leading the world in technology, art and industry — yet we still have a 20th-century educational system. Our schools are stifled by regulatory overload, making it difficult to bring needed change to outdated ways of doing things. Fortunately for our nation’s children, enterprising individuals at […] Read more »
May 6, 2019
by Jeanne AllenThe Post and CourierMay 6, 2019 Last week, teachers called out of school to protest at the South Carolina Statehouse — a fitting final act to a school year already defined by teacher strikes across the nation.Earlier in the year, teachers went on strike in Los Angeles, Denver, West Virginia and other areas. The […] Read more »
April 30, 2019
The results of the National 2018 Technology and Engineering Literacy (TEL) assessment, focused on critical STEM, skills, are more hopeful than in prior years, but the results remain disappointing.The test of more than 15,000 8th grade students in almost 600 schools across the country shows that fewer than 50% are proficient. The test not only […] Read more »
April 25, 2019
by Jeanne AllenForbesApril 25, 2019Felicity Huffman and 13 other defendants recently agreed to plead guilty to charges relating to the “Operation Varsity Blues” case, the recently uncovered college cheating scandal. Dozens of “elites” — folks at the top of our entertainment, finance and education systems — were implicated in a large-scale bribery scheme to help […] Read more »
April 23, 2019
(Newswire, April 23, 2019)  THE NEA PLAYBOOK.  It’s right out of the playbook and it’s official.  This behavior - and that from DC, to NC to CA - is part of NEA’s very own book of plays designed to “help” the union and its members attack the charter school movement.  This is nothing new of course. For […] Read more »
April 1, 2019
by Jeanne Allen Forbes March 28, 2019 “Not everyone should go to college,” screamed a recent editorial, penned, ironically, by a Ph.D. He joins the chorus of successful, highly educated people who insist that others should not aspire to similar paths. Here’s why they are wrong. First, creating different pathways for students requires that some […] Read more »
March 24, 2019
Dear Friends,The news was blaring this weekend.  All the talk seemed to suggest that the nation was focused almost entirely on the release of the Mueller Report. It’s been that way for months. And now it’s out. We’re told the nation is riveted, waiting to learn what’s inside.And that does indeed seem to be the […] Read more »
March 5, 2019
Written by Elizabeth Shaw, the CEO of Chicago International Charter Schools Dear friends and colleagues, I imagine that you have all been following the wave of teachers strikes across the country, including nearly two weeks of picketing at four Chicago International Charter Schools (CICS) that I oversee. It’s been two weeks since more than 2,000 […] Read more »