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May 26, 2006
Alameda County Superior Court Judge Robert Freedman struck down California’s new high school exit exam last week, saying the test is unfair to students who have been shortchanged by substandard public schools. Read more »
May 25, 2006
Education Secretary Spellings recently announced the formation of a presidentially appointed panel that was formed to address math teaching.  According to the charter of this panel, one of its purposes is “to foster greater knowledge of and improved performance in mathematics among American students.”  The panel is charged with producing a report in two years, […] Read more »
May 24, 2006
(Note: Dan Losen was quoted in this Washington Post story on graduation rates.  We linked the story in today’s news, where Dan left the following comment.  We are posting it here with his permission. -ed.)   Read more »
May 24, 2006
Proposition 82 on the June ballot in California, like all things that are too good to be true, sounds great  until you really take a look at exactly what it will do and exactly who will benefit. The fact is Prop. 82 will do very little to help our struggling K-12 system or the kids […] Read more »
May 23, 2006

Does Mike Antonucci ever fear for his own safety?  A revealing article by the (in)famous union watchdog.  

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May 22, 2006
If you’re a homeschooler who thinks No Child Left Behind and standardized testing doesn’t affect you, think again. Read more »
May 19, 2006

Recent (and forgotten) history on the debate over national standards. 

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May 18, 2006

A "think tank watchdog" is guilty of the very ideological bias it purports to reveal. 

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May 17, 2006
When Secretary Spellings announced a few weeks ago that NCLB hasn’t provided nearly enough school choice, no one should have been surprised.   Read more »
May 16, 2006
The second year report on the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program (pdf) focuses on participation. It’s just an appetizer—the main course, a study of the effect of the vouchers on achievement, is coming next year—but this report still has some interesting stuff to chew on. Read more »