News & Analysis
Nevada's AB49 a Giant Step Backward For Charters
National leaders say bill “hurts vulnerable students whose public school options are already limited in a state with only 34 charter schools.
State tax credit programs get boost in Harrisburg
Sometimes it takes a giant telegram to deliver a giant message — that educational tax credits are critical to the future of Catholic schools.
Florida Legislature Passes Charter School Expansion Bill, Awaits Signature from Governor
Charter school expansion bill, HB7069, has passed in the FL legislature and is awaiting Governor Rick Scott's signature.
National Charter School Law Ranking & Scorecard
Since 1996, CER’s yearly scorecard and ranking of state charter school laws has provided guidance and feedback to policymakers on the relative strengths and weakness of charter school policies and their effectiveness in fulfilling the true meaning of the words “charter school law."
Governor Doug Ducey Announces First Arizona Supreme Court Appointment
January 6, 2016 Office of the Arizona Governor Doug Ducey PHOENIX – Governor Doug Ducey today announced the appointment of Phoenix attorney Clint Bolick, an independent, to the Supreme Court of Arizona. This is Governor Ducey's first appointment to the Supreme Court of Arizona. Mr. Bolick specializes in United States and Arizona constitutional law, and also handles…
The Judges Who Stole School Choice
A court rejects a voter-passed charter law in Washington state. Wall Street Journal Review & Outlook September 7, 2015 Eight new charter schools in Washington state opened this fall, but on Friday the state Supreme Court delivered a grim surprise by overturning the state’s charter law. Welcome back to the public school monopoly, kids. The…
EdNext Releases 2015 Poll
In its latest annual public opinion poll, Education Next reveals high levels of support for education reform policies nationwide. In addition, new data on the acceptability and usage of educational choices paints a clear picture of parental demand for school options. The poll finds that more than a quarter of parents with school-aged children have…
Breaking Down Biases: Context, When It Comes to Education, is a Better Indicator of Public Opinion
Critical Analysis of the 46th Annual PDK/Gallup Poll of the Public’s Attitudes Toward the Public Schools CER Analysis August 2014 Informed public opinion happens when there are proper definitions and context in polling. While public knowledge of certain facets of American education like Common Core and charter schools has increased with time, surveys such as America’s…
CER Press Release Washington, DC December 3, 2013 Kara Kerwin, president of The Center for Education Reform, released the following statement on the 2012 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA): "The United States' dismal scores on the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) was once again expected due to the inability of lawmakers at all…
California Students Post Top Test-Score Gains
California students posted the biggest gains on a national standardized test last year, placing the state in the unfamiliar position of being the best rather than among the worst when it comes to anything related to education. Students here topped those in the 49 other states with a seven-point gain in eighth-grade reading, according to results…