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June 21, 2016
There is no disagreement with the fact the charter school law in Pennsylvania is out of date, but what is needed is a comprehensive and holistic approach, such as in House Bill 530, rather than a limited review that chooses to cherry-pick the need for more stringent charter school accountability and oversight while ignoring district accountability and illegal actions. Read more »
June 20, 2016
The Supreme Court must rehear the Friedrichs case when nine Justices can decide it– not only for the sake of the ten California teachers who brought the case, but also for the thousands of teachers and families around the country whose voices matter in our democracy. Read more »
June 20, 2016
What matters in schools is teachers. Fortunately, teaching can be taught. The Economist June 11, 2016 FORGET smart uniforms and small classes. The secret to stellar grades and thriving students is teachers. One American study found that in a single year’s teaching the top 10% of teachers impart three times as much learning to their […] Read more »
June 14, 2016
Since 2004, 6,385 low-income students have attended private schools through the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program (DCOSP), with 90% graduating from high school and 88% continuing their education at a two-year or four-year college. However, DCOSP is authorized through the end of FY2016. On Tuesday, June 12, The Parent Network for Better Education held a seminar […] Read more »
June 14, 2016
Thirty-six million Americans can’t read. Low-literacy skills are directly linked to higher unemployment, less earned income and poor health. The result is a lack of social mobility and greater inequality for millions of families. On June 8, the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy convened entrepreneurs, investors, technology leaders, futurists, visionaries, policy makers, and NGO’s […] Read more »
June 8, 2016
by Dorothy “Doro” Bush Koch Fox News June 8, 2016 Graduation is an inspirational time of year when proud families celebrate education milestones and the beginnings of productive lives. I remember a commencement speech that my mom, former First Lady Barbara Bush, delivered at Wellesley College in 1990.  She retold a story by Robert Fulghum […] Read more »
June 7, 2016
As you’ve probably heard, charter schools celebrated their foundational birthday this month. All the tributes remind us of an episode of This is Your Life, in which numerous people pay tribute to the icon being celebrated. So today, we join those celebrating charter schools again, because of their long history of successfully changing the paradigm […] Read more »
June 6, 2016
by Jeanne Allen Flypaper June 2, 2016 [T]here are a myriad of strategies out there that ostensibly can make a difference for our children, but no matter which ones we pursue, their potential impact will be diminished if we do not find ways to empower poor parents to be able to exercise influence on the […] Read more »
June 5, 2016
Unions say they have a constitutional right to workers’ money. Wall Street Journal Review & Outlook June 2, 2016 Unions have been losing members and political clout as more states (26 so far) pass right-to-work laws, and now Big Labor is fighting back with a legal strategy to use the Fifth Amendment to take money […] Read more »
May 31, 2016
by Jeanne Allen The 74 May 30, 3016 If he was in the average school he was in before, he’d be on the street,” testified the father of a 16-year old-boy. “This is what these online schools provide — the comfort to know their kids are not going to become hoodlums, or do drugs… He […] Read more »