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January 11, 2016
“We trust the teachers!” “Stand with Rebecca!” “Do it for the kids!” These were the overwhelming chants heard from the small but mighty forces of the rally on the steps of the Supreme Court this morning. These supporters came out and bared the freezing temperatures to stand by Rebecca Friedrichs, the public face of the […] Read more »
January 6, 2016
Who Is Rebecca Friedrichs? You keep seeing the name in regards to the #SCOTUS case being heard January 11, now get to know the veteran school teacher fighting for individual rights.  (Thanks to ReasonTV‘s video!) In a nutshell… she is: A veteran teacher whose cause is for all teachers to have the right to decide for […] Read more »
January 6, 2016
January 6, 2016 Office of the Arizona Governor Doug Ducey PHOENIX – Governor Doug Ducey today announced the appointment of Phoenix attorney Clint Bolick, an independent, to the Supreme Court of Arizona. This is Governor Ducey’s first appointment to the Supreme Court of Arizona. Mr. Bolick specializes in United States and Arizona constitutional law, and also handles […] Read more »
January 4, 2016
I don’t want to be forced to pay for a political agenda I don’t support. Now the Supreme Court will rule. By Harlan Elrich Wall Street JournalOpinion January 3, 2016 I am one of 10 California teachers suing to end compulsory union dues in Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association, which will be heard by the […] Read more »
December 30, 2015
At a major event, former U.S. Education Secretary, once CER board member and now radio personality William J. Bennett asked the big question that’s at the heart of what we do every day: “WHO GETS TO TEACH THE CHILDREN AND WHAT DO WE TEACH THEM?”(Plato) The answer might seem complicated to many but for us […] Read more »
December 28, 2015
A case study in how unions undermine teacher accountability. Wall Street Journal December 27, 2015 The latest federal education reform sends more power back to states and local districts, but that poses risks to the extent they are captured by teachers unions. Witness New York, where Governor Andrew Cuomo is retreating on teacher accountability. In […] Read more »
December 18, 2015
Three months ago I walked into the 7th floor office of the Center for Education with wide eyes and butterflies in my stomach. At that time I thought I knew a good bit about education policy, I am an Ed Wonk, I told myself as I embarked on my semester in Washington. My time at […] Read more »
December 17, 2015
On Tuesday, December 15th, the Fordham Institute and the DC Public Charter School Board (DCPCSB) teamed up to host a panel discussion entitled The Future of Parent Choice in Washington DC. The panelists covered a wide range of education topics, from choice to collaboration to school rankings and reports. Scott Pearson, Executive Director of the […] Read more »
December 16, 2015
I can’t believe this semester is coming to an end! I have truly learned a great deal through my experiences at CER. Whether it was attending events with other leaders in the education reform movement from various organizations, or simply reading articles discussing various happenings in the education sector across the US, I have not […] Read more »
December 15, 2015
What does Nero have to do with education reform? Well to start with, it’s likely that fewer than 30 percent of students, let alone adults in the nation, would know precisely from where that infamous phrase comes. In fact, ongoing NAEP tests in history and civics reveal inch-deep knowledge of world events and even literary […] Read more »