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September 8, 2015
A court rejects a voter-passed charter law in Washington state. Wall Street Journal Review & Outlook September 7, 2015 Eight new charter schools in Washington state opened this fall, but on Friday the state Supreme Court delivered a grim surprise by overturning the state’s charter law. Welcome back to the public school monopoly, kids. The […] Read more »
August 29, 2015
The nation will never forget watching the levees break, the fear and pain on the faces of the people trapped, the destruction, countless lives lost too soon. Ten years ago to the date, a storm, an act of God, broke down almost every system and structure that was supposed to keep the great people of […] Read more »
August 26, 2015
In its latest annual public opinion poll, Education Next reveals high levels of support for education reform policies nationwide. In addition, new data on the acceptability and usage of educational choices paints a clear picture of parental demand for school options. The poll finds that more than a quarter of parents with school-aged children have […] Read more »
August 25, 2015
by Karl Dean The Tennessean August 24, 2015 “When is enough enough?” That question was posed during the Metro school board’s meeting Tuesday night before the board voted to deny KIPP Nashville’s charter applications – applications that were recommended for approval by the district’s charter review committee. It’s a question worth considering. When will we […] Read more »
August 24, 2015
As I approached the doors of suite 705, I was not exactly sure what to expect. This organization, CER, seemed so small in comparison to something so big – the gap between high-quality and low-quality schools, the gap between education policy and what is actually happening inside of the schools, and the endeavors to empower […] Read more »
August 21, 2015
The New Hampshire Education Summit, hosted by The Seventy Four and the American Federation for Children, provided a rare opportunity to hear about six presidential candidates’ views about education reform in a more in-depth and focused way, as education is sadly not usually the headline topic during election cycles. Below are some thoughts on their […] Read more »
August 3, 2015
It’s hard to believe that it’s been nine weeks since I first walked into the CER office. As I sat in on my first staff meeting that Monday morning, I had a million thoughts swirling in my head about what my time here would be like. Never would I have believed I would have the […] Read more »
August 3, 2015
I simply cannot believe that today is my last day here at The Center for Education Reform! Where did the summer go? I remember patiently anticipating my arrival here for a whole month before I began my internship. So many thoughts were going through my head as to how this summer would go, the things […] Read more »
July 30, 2015
“How was your summer working at the National Education Association?” “Great, except I spent my summer working at The Center for Education Reform.” Although my dad was misinformed about how and where I spent my summer, I am confident that my dad will not be misinformed of what the Education Reform movement entails when the […] Read more »
July 24, 2015
It seems like only yesterday I walked into CER’s office for the first time. As I entered, I was immediately struck by the CER logo, most specifically by the sun. It was fun, something a little different. However, as time went on, I learned just how much the sun embodies CER’s mission and work. My […] Read more »