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April 14, 2014
Recently, the Florida PTA told its members to call lawmakers and get them to fight a bill that would expand Florida's tax credit scholarship program. Read more »
April 10, 2014
As technology continues to constantly change and grow at an incredible rate, it can be difficult to keep track of the impact that it has on the education system in America today. While technology is often characterized as detrimental to the social skills and attention span of young people, it’s important to also look at […] Read more »
April 1, 2014
In recent remarks, Robert Cane, executive director of Friends of Choice in Urban Schools (FOCUS), issued a powerful warning to the charter school movement in the District of Columbia. Cane spoke of the momentous progress that has been made over the years in making charter schools promising educational options for DC students, but also of […] Read more »
March 27, 2014
It’s that time of year again when basketball and brackets take center stage. This March Madness, we’ll be pulling for our favorite teams and celebrating the players for their hard work and commitment – both on and off the court. Read more »
March 26, 2014
Choice is something that we often take for granted until it is taken away. On some days, the biggest choices we make are what we’re making for lunch or whether we’re going to the gym, on other days, we make choices that can influence the rest of our lives. Parents’ choices not only influence their […] Read more »
March 26, 2014
As charter school founders go, founders like David Levin and Eva Moskowitz — with growing networks of many schools — are the exception. Read more »
March 24, 2014
The term “March Madness’ often evokes thoughts of Cinderella storied basketball teams that beat the odds to make a successful run at glory, along with shining moments that completely change the dynamic felt by all the players involved. But these principles can easily be applied to the developments of New Hope Academy in York, PA, […] Read more »
March 13, 2014
In “Waiting for Superman,” the famous documentary about charter schools, hundreds of parents and kids wait, rapt, in a packed auditorium. They’re hoping to hear their names in a lottery and be among the chosen few to escape bad district schools for better charters. Read more »
March 12, 2014
Americans face a choice between two paths that will guide education in this nation for generations: self-government and central planning. Which we choose will depend in large measure on how well we understand accountability. Read more »
March 10, 2014
The College Board has once again made changes to the SAT, reducing writing and vocabulary expectations that negatively affect the exam’s rigor. The latest installment in the over two decade-long struggle to implement what always appear to be well-intentioned modifications, is nothing short of the SAT’s battle to avoid obscurity. This is just another instance […] Read more »