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February 6, 2014
As is expected but not always evident of highly regarded newspapers, the Washington Post brought to light a serious issue that not only pertains to the District of Columbia charter schools but charter schools across the country. Late last week, the DC Mayor’s Office released a report that revealed DC charter schools are receiving significantly […] Read more »
February 5, 2014
My first day interning at the Center for Education Reform, I was introduced to the manner by which CER increases awareness regarding education policy. I learned of all the day-to-day tasks that every member at CER engages in to formulate the important message that they send out. As a sophomore at The George Washington University […] Read more »
February 5, 2014
Sadly, people in the U.S. and abroad have become accustomed to the fact that President Obama stretches the truth with some regularity, whether the topic is his health-care law, the terror attacks in Benghazi or "red lines" in Syria. In his interview with Fox News's Bill O'Reilly on Sunday, the president offered up another whopper. Read more »
February 4, 2014
I asked Courtney, a high school student and founder of Students Transforming Education (STE), what caused him to become active and work toward reforming tenure in California.  I figured I would soon hear a story about a horrible teacher, the kind you hear about on the news – that “bad apple” who does not care […] Read more »
January 31, 2014
After my first day of interning at CER learning about the behind the scenes work and research that the organization does on a daily basis, I got to spend my second day experiencing the hands on advocacy that occurs in DC to push education policy to the forefront of the media and national attention. The […] Read more »
January 28, 2014
Last year, we made a list of things we hoped we would hear in President Obama’s State of the Union Address.  This year, not much has changed, and our wish list remains in tact: State of the Union Wish List Tonight, President Obama will give the first second State of the Union address of his […] Read more »
January 24, 2014
At the National School Choice Week’s Whistle Stop tour event in Washington, DC on Wednesday, we had the amazing opportunity to hear first-hand how school choice directly benefitted the lives of three remarkable students in the DC area. CER President Kara Kerwin introduced the students and listed their many accomplishments, and was joined by other […] Read more »
January 20, 2014
Today across America we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a heroic visionary who dedicated his life to social justice and equality. At the same time, more than 50 years after Dr. King shared his dreams of equality and opportunity on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, millions of children […] Read more »
January 17, 2014
On September 25, 1957, nine courageous black students risked their safety just to attend school in newly integrated Little Rock, Arkansas following the historic Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision. Nearly 57 years later, an Arkansas judge approved a measure that will halt state payments within four years to Little Rock schools that aided desegregation efforts. In the meantime, […] Read more »
January 9, 2014
 Postcards from the Past  A new, occasional blog post in commemoration of CER’s 20 years in business and the historical events that have taken place during our history and the history of the education reform movement. In its annual “Quality Counts” release, the researchers at Education Week took a different approach to state evaluations in […] Read more »