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June 6, 2013
Why is famed Governor Chris Christie turning a blind eye toward Chris Cerf's decision to overturn the Department's previous decision to permit two virtual charter schools to open? Read more »
June 5, 2013
New Jerseyans have sadly never had an opportunity to witness the benefit of a truly statewide charter school environment that helps children succeed, all schools improve and educators thrive. Unlike most other states, New Jersey law rests all authority to approve and vet charter school applications with the state Commissioner of Education. Read more »
May 30, 2013
Let’s find ways to offer more options that address local needs, rather than invite a top-down response to an issue that has more to do with our lack of rigor generally in schools than a lack of workforce related skills being taught. Read more »
May 29, 2013
“Do you have a card?” She had a huge smile, coming up to me right after I spoke to the NC House Education Committee —the largest, it would seem, in the free world with 53 members (!)– about the need for opportunity scholarships to provide poor children access to quality schools. “Um, I’ll get you […] Read more »
May 22, 2013
A recent Bangor Daily News editorial incorrectly uses conclusions and data from CER’s State of Charter Schools report. The quote below is about judging an individual charter school, yet is used as ammo for an argument about why lifting the charter cap in Maine shouldn’t happen. “It remains the case that the single most effective […] Read more »
May 22, 2013
“The day I got suspended was my best day because it helped me change. Now I stay away from trouble…It feels great to be a leader and not a follower.” Not many people would say getting suspended was their best day in school, but 2nd grader Vincent Smith Jr. of Urban Academy in Minnesota appreciated […] Read more »
May 17, 2013
This Saturday, Tennessee charter school leaders, teachers, and advocates will be honored at the Country Music Hall of Fame in Nashville during the Tennessee Charter School Association’s 2nd annual gala. Teacher of the year awards, among others, will be given out during the celebration.  CER’s very own VP of External Affairs, Kara Kerwin, was honored […] Read more »
May 10, 2013
May 10, 2013 Our PALs in CA, in a lovely email about how much of a difference a great teacher can make in a child’s life, shared John Legend’s rendition of an 80s anthem celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week, calling on our students to celebrate their “true colors.” Legend is among dozens of past CER EdReformie […] Read more »
May 10, 2013
Julie Collier, Executive Director of Parents Advocate League, shares her story of why she fights so hard for change in education during teacher appreciation week: Dear Ms. M., As our family takes time during Teacher Appreciation Week to celebrate the teachers that have blessed our children, we are reminded how truly important the profession of […] Read more »
May 9, 2013
May 9, 2013 I should be curled up in the Fetal position… Diane Ravitch’s blog is full of comments about me and my family… apparently in an attempt to discredit my integrity. Weird. Apparently, I do not understand the constitution or the concept of federalism and need a civics lesson, too. Ugh. My head is […] Read more »