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December 18, 2012
A commentary in the Wall Street Journal today, “The Irrational Fear of For-Profits in Education” , could not have come at a better time, as the hearing on the Brockton charter school, run by for-profit provider SABIS, is today in Massachusetts. The Wall Street Journal piece notes that Americans are fine with privatization in many […] Read more »
December 17, 2012
Half of Bellows Free Academy High School graduates are not proficient in reading, and more than half graduate without basic proficiency in math. Local Vermont Superintendent Robert Rosane wanted to change this, but was met with resistance by the union, who said it was unfair to call this high school failing because other surrounding schools […] Read more »
December 17, 2012
The nation is grappling with tragedy this holiday season, just as Henry Wadsworth Longfellow dealt with tragedies during Christmas seasons long ago that elicited his famous “Christmas Bells” poem. The poem concludes with a renewed hope for peace among mankind, a feeling that undoubtedly permeates the nation after the horrific events at Sandy Hook elementary […] Read more »
December 14, 2012
December 14, 2012 Earlier this week, Edspresso shared how Brockton, MA’s school super is “Trashing Charters on Company Time.” Now Matt Malone is poised to become Massachusetts’ next Ed Chief. Will his opposition to charters continue in his new role, or will he come to see the light as the former Brockton superintendent, Basan “Buzz” […] Read more »
December 12, 2012
NEW Letter to Friends of The Center for Education Reform No. 104 December 2012 Read more »
December 11, 2012
The battle over new legislation to make it easier to create charter schools in Mississippi may be rejoined next year. For the future of the state's children, legislators should allow charters. Read more »
December 11, 2012
December 11, 2012 This is what the Superintendent of Brockton Massachusetts has time to do, when the students in this district, a very heavily minority district barely passing the state’s requirements for performance in any grade, and in most, are below 45% proficiency. SABIS, a proven leader in charter school management that has been praised […] Read more »
December 7, 2012
December 7, 2012 Remember the board game Risk, where the goal was “world domination,” or “to occupy every territory on the board and in so doing, eliminate all other players“? Well unfortunately this scenario is playing out in real life in the charter school world in the form of increasing regulations. The problem is autonomy […] Read more »
December 6, 2012
December 6, 2012 “The teacher body are all inspiring. They make us well rounded. Notice the halls? At my old school, the halls are never quiet. You can’t even walk. There are fights everywhere.” That was from Michael, a 15 year old freshman at Howe HS in Indianapolis, one of the four worst schools in […] Read more »
November 19, 2012
Even when reform passes, teachers unions engage in massive resistance. Read more »