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October 19, 2012
Soon the presidential candidates will meet for the last time to debate and with the topic focused on foreign policy, one may be tempted to think education has no place in the discussion. But one would be wrong. There are at least two critical education questions that should be addressed. Read more »
October 16, 2012
Questions we hope will be addressed in the second debate between President Obama and Governor Romney about money following the child, differences between their education platforms, class size, funding, Race to the Top, and teachers and their unions. Read more »
October 11, 2012
Questions for Biden and Ryan about money following the child, NCLB, class size, differences between Romney and Obama on education issues, Race to the Top, and teachers & their unions, as well as some additional information that might provide context for debate viewers in the event these questions are raised. Read more »
October 11, 2012
CER President Jeanne Allen poses questions and issues for VP candidates as she ponders whether or not Vice President Biden and Congressman Ryan will call the same amount of attention to education as their Presidential running mates did. Read more »
October 10, 2012
October 10, 2012 If Teachers Can Organize, Why Can’t Parents? That’s essentially the question that Doreen Diaz, president of the Desert Trails Parent Union, an organization formed to change failing Desert Trails elementary school under California’s parent trigger law, asks in a Washington Examiner column. The frustrated parent compares the real life efforts of California […] Read more »
October 4, 2012
Thousands have already explored the Parent Power Index© and with your help in spreading the word we can create the next grassroots revolution in American education. So tell your friends and neighbors to visit the Parent Power Index© and become part of the national imperative to secure real, substantive improvement in all schools! Read more »
October 4, 2012
Jeanne Allen reflects on the first presidential debate between Romney and Obama, giving credit to the candidates for calling more attention to education reform than previous debates in years past. Read more »
October 3, 2012
October 3, 2012 Who knew education would come up repeatedly tonite? Romney: After the president opened the debate about his jobs plan, Romney introduced the education component into the debate, combining jobs and skills, which come from education. Obama: We have to improve our education system — we have a program called Race to the […] Read more »
October 2, 2012
“Does the expanded population of test takers explain the decline in reading and writing scores?” The simple answer is no, it does not – despite the College Board’s continual insistence to the contrary. What these SAT scores, combined with the equally dismal ACT scores, confirm is that the majority of kids in this country are […] Read more »