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October 2, 2012
What these SAT scores, combined with the equally dismal ACT scores, confirm is that the majority of kids in this country are not ready for college, that more of our students are not being adequately served by their schools, and that a dangerous achievement gap still persists among ethnic groups. Read more »
September 28, 2012
CER President Jeanne Allen shares three critical updates on Won't Back Down, Parent Power Index, and Education Nation. Read more »
September 19, 2012
Are we in Russia?? I thought the strike was bad enough. Thousands of children out of school who are already 2-3 years behind on average, if not 5 or 6! Parents with no power, staff at failing schools who continue to get paid in spite of it all. But the contract outline prepared by the Chicago Teachers Union really takes the cake... Read more »
September 19, 2012
(CER President Jeanne Allen shared her thoughts with reporters in an email earlier this week. We thought everyone has a right to know what’s happening.) The teacher evaluation piece in the Chicago contract negotiation is so weak to start that it’s almost unfathomable that the union would waste political capital on this piece. Have you […] Read more »
September 12, 2012
Politicians love to say the word "education," but when it comes to actually doing something about it, outside forces must do the pushing. Read more »
September 10, 2012
Parents are waking up to the disturbing reality that they have no influence over where and how their children are educated. Read more »
September 7, 2012
It’s a reflection of the state of the debate today that people immediately jump on a common Twitter mistake with an accusation of slander. In a recent op-ed in which I detailed a lengthy Twitter exchange about the upcoming movie Won’t Back Down, I quoted one of the many tweets assaulting the movie and it’s […] Read more »
September 6, 2012
When trying to separate real reformers from “talkers,” it helps to see how they behave in various habitats. For example, how does this alleged reformer act when invited to participate in a forum where the education establishment may well be present? Does (s)he: a. Change the word “choice” to “options”? b. Use accountability fifteen different […] Read more »
September 4, 2012
Coverage of the conventions continues today in Charlotte, where veteran CER staffer Kara Kerwin has been hob-knobbing with Edreformers… and some not-so-edreformers! Here at a Dems for Ed Reform event the two major union bosses flank entrepreneur, Princeton Review Founder John Katzman. (Note they look a little peeved to have to listen to someone else!) […] Read more »