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July 13, 2012
Today at the Govs’ summer meeting — an annual event of all US Governors — Ed Secretary Arne Duncan shared new data indicating that America continues to lose ground internationally when it comes to producing college graduates. College attainment rates have risen nominally (1/2 percentage point), but America still lags far behind on the world […] Read more »
June 5, 2012
“Why Romney, Obama are education twins” suggests that teachers unions are not standing in the way of education reform, saying they “tolerate” charter schools and are more open to teacher evaluations. I have to respectfully disagree with this assessment. Read more »
May 30, 2012
It was encouraging to see ed reform being talked about in this campaign season. We agree that school choice is where Mitt Romney and President Obama’s education plans differ the most and believe that it could be a defining issue in the campaign. Read more »
May 30, 2012
"Public Money Finds Back Door to Private Schools” (front page, May 22) doesn’t mention facts and data showing that more choices in education lead to increased student achievement without doing harm to traditional public schools. Read more »
May 24, 2012
Coverage of Candidate Romney's education plan received varying reviews. His agenda aside, newspapers also reported that Romney appointed an advisory team which included former Education Secretary Rod Paige. Yet rather than tell the readers something about Paige's past accomplishments, the only thing numerous newspapers felt worthy to use as a descriptor is that Paige once called the NEA a "terrorist organization." Read more »
May 15, 2012
A driving passion to create for students a school that meets, even exceeds, standards she had for her own children’s schools is what drove Deborah Kenny to jump headfirst into the raging sea of opening a charter network, the Harlem Village Academies. In a storytelling-style book, Born to Rise, Kenny offers not only her personal […] Read more »
May 11, 2012
Whether one questions college and high school national rankings or not, everyone grabs for U.S. News & World Report’s issues that rate schools nationwide.  We may quibble with which one is assigned top dog and which comes in third, but overall there is a sense that somehow the rating does justice to the service provided. […] Read more »
May 10, 2012
College done well need not be a luxury item. But as long as the colleges feel the have to compete for students on the non-academic differentiators, they will continue to spend aimlessly, and raise their prices, knowing that sympathetic ears in Washington will support them in the name of education for all. Read more »
May 3, 2012
Why is this woman protesting the creation of new options for parents – as some of those parents look on – when she most likely doesn’t live in a bad school zone and clearly doesn’t have a clue as to the plight of people who do? Crusading for universal pre-school is all fine and dandy, […] Read more »
April 13, 2012
Many people know the old adage, often attributed to Churchill, that the two things one best not see being made are law and sausage. Indeed when it comes to education policy there is no better truism. Read more »