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December 7, 2011
Demonstrating once again the power of being number 1 (as in, the NUMBER 1 Strongest Law in the nation), the independent authorizer for DC charter schools has created and yesterday announced the results of a new performance accountability system aimed at tracking in real time the performance and growth of all the students in its […] Read more »
December 6, 2011
I just read a piece in the New York Times by someone who actually writes for a living, and who lives in DC, say that she’d rather have bad neighborhood schools remain open, than have a choice to send her child to a public school that might actually be working. She is angry with people […] Read more »
November 29, 2011
Public money for private interest? That’s what’s being used to fuel outrage and frenzy among unsuspecting Teaneck, NJ residents, by the school leadership that fears a loss of power and control should the Garden State Virtual Charter School be approved by the State in January. Turns out the GSVCS is actually a statewide school proposal, […] Read more »
November 22, 2011
This weekend The Philadelphia Inquirer's Editorial Board posted an article on their blog, "Say What", criticizing Governor Corbett and his education reform plans. The Inquirer's Editorial Board suggests that Corbett should "stop acting like 'competition' from charters and vouchers will be enough to fix bad schools." We of course responded, but The Inquirer has yet to post it. So we've continued the debate here on Edspresso. Check it out... Read more »
November 22, 2011
This weekend The Philadelphia Inquirer's Editorial Board posted a misleading article on their blog, "Say What", criticizing Governor Corbett and his education reform plans. We've continued the debate here on Edspresso. Read more »
November 21, 2011
Jeanne Allen, president of The Center for Education Reform, released the following statement applauding Gov. Tom Corbett and students for yesterday’s school choice rally and their vigorous fight to move education reform forward in Pennsylvania. “Yesterday’s rally underscores the groundswell of support for giving parents the ability to choose a school based on their child’s needs, not their zip code. Education is the core of one’s success and the House needs to empower families with the freedom to build a strong, long-lasting foundation. The shouts of ‘CHOICE! NOW!’ from hundreds of students send a clear message – Pennsylvania’s must make meaningful educational improvements for its children immediately. Read the statement here. Read more »
November 16, 2011
The federal government's denial of critical charter school funds is a black mark on Maryland's effort to create great education for all. Maryland's weak charter laws and low achievement scores certainly challenge the "We're number one" mantra. Read more »
November 15, 2011
The NCLB reauthorization falls short on teacher accountability and parent choice. Once again, America's children will pay the price as politics takes center stage in education reform. Read more »
November 8, 2011
Beyond reminding us that flatlining is not a good thing; there is also an important takeaway from the data. Like both SAT and ACT results which are also stagnant, NAEP scores among those who many believe have great schools at their disposal remain well below standard. Read more »
November 8, 2011
New research suggests that on average—counting salaries, benefits and job security—teachers receive about 52% more than they could in private business. Read more »