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November 7, 2011
One of the area's largest business groups is announcing a strategy to close the education gap in Milwaukee. Read more »
November 6, 2011
Key lawmakers and educators are growing increasingly pessimistic that a massive overhaul of federal school policy can get through Congress before the 2012 election-year battles could doom the hopes for major bipartisan legislation. Read more »
October 26, 2011
Gov. Bobby Jindal is reelected and intends to make K-12 education reform a top priority in the next term. Read more »
October 26, 2011
Wisconsin’s budget committee passes bill, which would create an independent charter school board to authorize charters in medium and large districts around the state. Read more »
October 26, 2011
Andre Agassi plans on deploying $500 million over the next three years to build 75 charter schools throughout the country in cities, like Milwaukee and Philadelphia. Read more »
October 19, 2011
Researchers complete three-year study of Denver Public Schools' pay-for-performance system and find correlation to improved test scores. Read more »
October 19, 2011
Senate Republicans unexpectedly help teachers’ unions by knocking out teacher evaluations in proposed rewrite of NCLB. Read more »
October 18, 2011
More than 100,000 students attending 226 schools in Ohio are eligible for state school choice program in next school year. Read more »
October 17, 2011
Race to the Top remains overrated in terms of impact. While there was a flurry of multi-state activity caused, it didn't result in any real snow. Jeanne Allen explains how strong governors are vital in ed reform, not Washington’s carrot and stick. Read more »
October 15, 2011
Race to the Top remains overrated in terms of impact. While there was a flurry of multi-state activity caused, it didn’t result in any real snow. A cap lift for charters here, a teacher evaluation bill with little teeth there. Many smart people disagree about this. But, the fact is if you look around the […] Read more »