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September 4, 2011
"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts," said the late great Daniel Patrick Moynihan. And indeed, the PDK/Gallup poll underscores the wisdom offered by the former Senior Senator from New York, no doubt in the larger public policy context of his day. While everyone has opinions, pollsters are supposed to provide at least a baseline of data to allow... Read more »
September 4, 2011
Once upon a time, labor unions stepped, to collectively support and advance the rights of people to work and be given adequate wages, benefits and a quality environment. It was great, when it was needed. Today those same unions -- in this case in education -- no longer protect people who are being abused, neglected, forced to work 15-hour days with no break for food or bathroom. Read more »
September 2, 2011
Once upon a time, in this country, early in the last century hoards of Italians, (like me!), Irish, German, Jewish peoples and more descended on this land in search of something better. From the schools to the sweatshops, they took jobs that paid little and demanded much. Haste, greed and neglect soon became the norm […] Read more »
August 17, 2011
Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts, said the late great Daniel Patrick Moynihan. And indeed, the PDK/Gallup poll underscores the wisdom offered by the former Senior Senator from New York, no doubt in the larger public policy context of his day. While everyone has opinions, pollsters are supposed to […] Read more »
August 11, 2011
Here at Edspresso, we’ve grown tired of this complaining that high-stakes testing is responsible for the cheating done by teachers and administrators. It almost seems that because as a society we demand and expect positive results – our children to be educated – we’re being unfair. It’s not their fault, they say, it’s the requirements. […] Read more »
August 10, 2011
Princeton International Academy Charter School is suing three school districts to stop what they say is the spending of “public funds and using their governmental positions to oppose the opening of the charter school.” Bravo! All too often, traditional school districts fight dirty to protect their territory and thwart charter school competition – much to […] Read more »
August 5, 2011 did a fantastic job of capturing footage and conducting interviews with supporters, teachers and even Matt Damon at the recent Save Our Schools Status Quo rally in D.C. The comments may shock you – and no, I’m not talking about Matt Damon’s potty mouth. You can catch his interview at the 0:38 mark. But, […] Read more »
August 1, 2011
Maryland’s Montgomery County Board of Education has approved its first charter school. It was a long road for Crossway Community, a local nonprofit organization, to open its Montessori-based elementary school, but in recent months it gained the support of Superintendent Joshua Starr and former superintendent Jerry D. Weast. It’s being hailed as a “historic moment […] Read more »
July 29, 2011
By now, you’ve likely heard that the anti-reform establishment will be marching the streets of D.C. this weekend in an effort to “Save Our Schools.” The participating groups want to restore parent and student influence in education. There’s only one problem with that – they don’t. The National Education Association and the American Federation of […] Read more »
July 25, 2011
The Scranton Times felt the wrath (ok, it was a measured response) of Sen. Jeffrey Piccola (R-PA) over a piece they published last week on the school choice legislation the senator and others pushed for this past session. Sen. Piccola’s letter wanted to make clear that the voucher portion of the legislation always focused “on […] Read more »