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May 13, 2011
Masquerading as a champion for equity, the Civil Rights Project at UCLA semi-regularly issues forth condemnations and reports outlining how little we’ve achieved as a nation in civil rights. Their glass is always half empty, and their data normally, well, wrong.  When it comes to education, they criticize any programs that give the poor and […] Read more »
May 12, 2011
Are you or someone you know 30 or younger and innovative when it comes to education? A new member-based organization, is looking to feature 30 innovative educators under 30, and is anticipating your suggestions. Given the greater autonomy that comes with school reform models like charters, we have little doubt that young educators are […] Read more »
April 15, 2011
DC’s Mayor Vincent Gray and other school choice opponents took some time out yesterday, a day that saw a renewal of the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program thanks to the CR budget compromise in the House and Senate, to decry what they see is that program’s theft of federal funds from the city’s public schools. What?! […] Read more »
April 1, 2011
WASHINGTON, DC – In a stunning turn of events, the Obama Administration today reversed course on the issue of school choice and vouchers, detailing an ambitious plan to create national school choice options through a competitive grant program for states. “Unfortunately, I had not actually sat down and read the research on school choice and […] Read more »
March 18, 2011
(Originally posted to the National Journal‘s Education Experts blog.) Perhaps it’s not so unusual that the same person who fought to get a waiver from NCLB’s tutoring requirement is the same person who is pushing a fast track for making the bill’s requirements more flexible. When some of Arne Duncan’s Chicago schools were failing kids, […] Read more »
March 15, 2011
(Originally posted to the National Journal‘s Education Experts blog) The common theme running through many (too many) teacher evaluation proposals is time. We need time to create new evaluations. We need time to observe a teacher (after taking the time to build them up). We need time to create a plan based on our observations. […] Read more »
March 1, 2011
Providing families with real school choice opportunities is top priority for several state legislatures this year. Here’s where a few of them stand: Pennsylvania – SB1 (providing opportunity scholarships to kids trapped in the Keystone State’s lowest performing schools) flew out of the PA Senate Education Committee today on a bi-partisan 8-2 vote… Nevada – […] Read more »
January 1, 2011
Wasn’t 2010 supposed to be the Year of Education Reform? ‘Race to the Top’ was going to transform the education landscape, ‘No Child Left Behind’ was to get a facelift, school turnaround options were going to transform our lowest achieving public schools… How’d all that work out for everyone? – Maryland and Hawaii winning ‘Race […] Read more »
December 7, 2010
Dear Michelle, Welcome to the other side. We need your help. And we need new champions. Learning to tell the difference is an art, though, not a science. This is the place where – in order to make good calls that benefit reform – you have to distinguish incessantly between what someone says they believe […] Read more »