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December 11, 2006

Opponents claimed school choice provides no academic benefit, and only serves to “destroy” public education.  But a visit to Milwaukee reveals that public and private education is thriving under the city’s well-established school choice program.

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December 8, 2006

Too many children with learning disabilities do not receive the education and services they need.

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December 7, 2006

One British analyst asks: If Swedish social democrats and the new-Labour vanguard have spotted the evidence, why haven't the Tories?

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December 6, 2006

More insights from our fearless ed school mole--straight from the gulag to you!

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December 5, 2006

Arizona’s new foster voucher program could be a promising model that state policymakers could use to help more of the 500,000 foster children in America. But we may never learn how scholarships could help at-risk foster children if the ACLU and the People for the American Way succeed in their efforts to block the program before it begins.

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December 1, 2006

Education is much more important than cars, and we have put up with “all-black Model T” schools for far too long. It’s high time we exposed schools to the dynamic forces of competition and found out what the educational equivalent of a BMW is.

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November 30, 2006

The intellectual debate about school choice and the public school monopoly is now over.

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November 29, 2006

When it comes to funding K-12 mathematics education, the NSF should drastically change course, or get out of the business altogether.

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November 28, 2006
David Mathews, president of the Kettering Foundation, recently came out with a book titled “Reclaiming Public Education by Reclaiming Our Democracy” (dedicated site here – including free download of the first chapter). As with his last work on the subject, “Is There a Public for Public Schools?” (now out of print), Mathews provides an insightful […] Read more »
November 27, 2006

Is it possible that too many prospective teachers are flooding the labor market--and that special needs dollars will bridge the gap?

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