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May 13, 2019
by Jeanne AllenFoundation for Florida's FutureMay 13, 2019 Nearly 25 years ago, I had the opportunity to witness the beginnings of historic education reform in Florida. In 1995, Jeb Bush, who would be governor a few years later, was laying the groundwork for an educational renaissance in Florida and for the nation.On the morning of a […] Read more »
May 8, 2019
by Jeanne AllenForbesMay 8, 2019America is the land of innovation, leading the world in technology, art and industry — yet we still have a 20th-century educational system. Our schools are stifled by regulatory overload, making it difficult to bring needed change to outdated ways of doing things. Fortunately for our nation’s children, enterprising individuals at […] Read more »
May 6, 2019
by Jeanne AllenThe Post and CourierMay 6, 2019 Last week, teachers called out of school to protest at the South Carolina Statehouse — a fitting final act to a school year already defined by teacher strikes across the nation.Earlier in the year, teachers went on strike in Los Angeles, Denver, West Virginia and other areas. The […] Read more »
April 25, 2019
by Jeanne AllenForbesApril 25, 2019Felicity Huffman and 13 other defendants recently agreed to plead guilty to charges relating to the “Operation Varsity Blues” case, the recently uncovered college cheating scandal. Dozens of “elites” — folks at the top of our entertainment, finance and education systems — were implicated in a large-scale bribery scheme to help […] Read more »
April 1, 2019
by Jeanne Allen Forbes March 28, 2019 “Not everyone should go to college,” screamed a recent editorial, penned, ironically, by a Ph.D. He joins the chorus of successful, highly educated people who insist that others should not aspire to similar paths. Here’s why they are wrong. First, creating different pathways for students requires that some […] Read more »
February 18, 2019
The Las Vegas Review-Journal ran a piece about how Nevada’s Clark County School District had created a new marketing position to sell the district’s schools to parents and slow the exodus of student to charter schools. Read more »
January 25, 2019
CER Founder and CEO Jeanne Allen was interviewed this week in light of the deal struck in Los Angeles that ended the teacher strike in the nation’s second largest school district. Jeanne discussed the politics of the strike as well as the implications of the deal. CER also spoke to journalists at  the Washington Post, […] Read more »
January 11, 2019
CER Founder and CEO Jeanne Allen was featured in several publications this week regarding the upcoming teacher strike in Los Angeles, which is home to the second largest school district in the nation. The strike would affect nearly half a million students, their families and 63,000 district employees and would be the first in nearly […] Read more »
January 10, 2019
KABC-FM, Larry O’Connor Show January 10, 2019 Center for Education Reform founder Jeanne Allen responds on ‘LA Teacher Strike’  Read more »
July 24, 2006
NJ voucher fight tilts to the right – A lawsuit to apply New Jersey’s public-education funding toward private-school tuition has key support from some of the country’s most conservative charitable foundations, including those run by heirs to the Wal-Mart and Amway fortunes, public records show. (more) Nina Rees: The CA preschool initiative – Ed Week […] Read more »