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July 21, 2006
We are pleased to announce our next debate!  On August 7-11, Dana Rapp, education professor at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, will debate researcher and author Richard Phelps on standardized testing.  Watch this space for further developments! Read more »
July 21, 2006
Deal reached on vocational education law – The demand for better high schools grows with each new report on flagging test scores, alarming dropout rates and ill-prepared graduates. (more) Keeping hope alive – Investor’s Business Daily (subscription required) – President Bush told the NAACP that poor parents should have school choice for their kids. Liberals […] Read more »
July 20, 2006
Christian Educators Union Sees Many Teachers Leaving NEA Roll – Some Christian teachers in the National Education Association are turning to an alternative group to provide them with liability insurance and legal services in light of that powerful teacher union’s endorsement of same-sex marriage. (more) Where Did the Love Go? – In his battle to […] Read more »
July 19, 2006
Spellings promotes voucher program – USA Today: Children in poorly performing public schools need the chance to attend private schools, and taxpayers should pick up the tab… (more) PBP editorial: Bush-suppresed study dispells voucher myth – The U.S. Department of Education, meaning the Bush administration, last week turned an important study comparing public and private […] Read more »
July 18, 2006
Unions drive a hard bargain – The New Jersey Education Association has been called the most powerful union in the state, and it’s not difficult to see why. (more) Suit Seeks School Choice for Underprivileged New Jersey Students – A class-action lawsuit filed against New Jersey school districts and the State Commissioner of Education seeks […] Read more »
July 17, 2006
Public schools perform near private ones in new study – NYT: The Education Department reported on Friday that children in public schools generally performed as well or better in reading and mathematics than comparable children in private schools. (more) WSJ: Long-delayed education study casts doubt on value of vouchers (subscription required) – Students in public […] Read more »
July 14, 2006
After decades and billions of dollars, New Jersey state education officials are once again going to attempt to reform Camden public schools: Saying, "We have to deliver," the state’s top education official pledged to the Camden school board last night a plan to refocus education in the district after a tumultuous school year marked by […] Read more »
July 14, 2006
Advisory panel issues LA school reforms recommendations at odds with mayor’s plan -As the debate over control of the Los Angeles Unified School District raged around it, a little-watched commission exploring reforms to the public school system formally agreed Thursday to a set of sweeping recommendations. (more) School choice for kids object of parents’ suit […] Read more »
July 13, 2006
E3 leads charge for vouchers – Excellent Education for Everyone, a small nonprofit organization, is taking credit for exposing scandals that have rocked the Camden, New Jersey school system and now plans to launch a massive battle to overhaul urban education reform. (more) Suit to ask N.J. to ease transfers for pupils – Parents from […] Read more »
July 12, 2006
Jersey schools face school choice lawsuit – The fundamental structure of New Jersey’s public school system could change if a group of families is successful in the lawsuit they will file Thursday, according to an opinion piece in today’s Wall Street Journal. (more) Remedial education – Clint Bolick writes in the Wall Street Journal about […] Read more »