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July 11, 2006
DeVos dollars back school choice – Dick DeVos isn’t afraid to pour money into a cause he passionately supports.  But nowhere has the DeVos mix of ideological commitment and megafunding been more apparent than in his challenge to traditional public schools. (more) Schools to receive millions in technology in Microsoft settlement – A total of […] Read more »
July 10, 2006
School choice spreads with tax credits – In 2001, Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge battled with Democratic state legislators to create a corporate scholarship tax credit program to bring the state’s families school choice. (more) Ohio plan would put flexibility in school funding – Ohio’s school-funding system is a mess. In recent years, the Ohio Supreme […] Read more »
July 7, 2006
AP: 34 states could lose education funds – Most states are failing to pass muster with the government over student testing and may lose money unless they improve quickly. (more) Matthew Ladner: School choice offers way to improve AZ schools – This year, the Tucson Unified School District received more funding per student than ever […] Read more »
July 6, 2006
`No Child’ Law Leads States to Weaken Student Tests, Study Says – U.S. states are "dumbing down" their grade-school tests, where high failure rates could bring penalties under the federal “No Child Left Behind” law, University of California researchers reported. (more) Changing NCLB Is Top Topic at NEA Convention – (–registration required) A majority of […] Read more »
July 5, 2006
Union moves to lobby Congress for change – With a thundering shout of ”aye,” an overwhelming majority of delegates from the nation’s largest education union approved a plan Monday to aggressively lobby Congress for reform of the No Child Left Behind Act. (more) More than 2,500 in Ohio apply for school vouchers – 2,568 students […] Read more »
July 3, 2006
LA Unified losing staff to charters – Amid the continuing growth of charter schools in Los Angeles, hundreds of teachers and administrators have left the city’s school system to take jobs at the independently run campuses. (more) "Data" proves each side’s schools case – The high-stakes public relations battle over Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa’s bid to […] Read more »
June 30, 2006
Nation’s "best schools" fail minorities – Many of the high schools on "Newsweek’s" popular annual lists of the nation’s top 100 schools have glaring achievement gaps between the races and high dropout rates, according to a new report. (more)  South Carolina and tuition tax credits – The commission is being sued by South Carolinians for […] Read more »
June 29, 2006
Teacher Union Speaks Out Against Closing Schools – Leaders of the Chicago Teachers’ Union went before a City Council committee Tuesday to spell out their objections to the public schools’ Renaissance 2010 plan. (more) Reform for L.A. Schools Advances – Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa’s bid to assert significant control over the Los Angeles Unified School District […] Read more »
June 28, 2006
AZ Legislature of 2 minds on poorest schools – In a matter of a few days towards the end of the session, Republicans passed two bills: one that speaks to those school’s amazing success and another that speaks to their miserable failure. (more) NY union seeks rule change for charter schools – The head of […] Read more »
June 27, 2006
Debunking the fictions that block school reform – Opinion: A coalition of unions published a glossy report this month complaining that poverty was largely to blame for the poor performance of Rhode Island’s public schools.  Not surprisingly, perhaps, the document discounted any responsibility by the unions for poor student performance, or any need for greater […] Read more »