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June 13, 2006
Voucher backer winces at low numbers – As Ohio’s new voucher program gets its start, just 5.5 percent of those eligible applied to use tax money for private school tuition, officials announced Monday.  Even so, voucher proponents called the program a success, noting it likely will have higher first-year participation than similar programs in Washington, […] Read more »
June 12, 2006
FL voucher change strands students – This means an uncertain summer for parents and students involved in the Opportunity Scholarship program, which the Florida Supreme Court struck down in January. (more) Ohio Voucher games – The Associated Press reported last week that with a June 9 deadline approaching for enrolled students to apply for the […] Read more »
June 9, 2006
Poor kids’ teachers are off the subject – One in five teachers of core subjects like math, science and English in poor public middle and high schools across the state lack sufficient training in the field they teach, according to a study released yesterday. (more) Proposal: tell parents about failing kids – Parents whose kids […] Read more »
June 8, 2006
Principal says he didn’t order assault of KABC-AM reporter – The principal of a Los Angeles charter elementary school said Wednesday that neither he nor his staff ordered the assault of a KABC-AM radio reporter last week. (more) Is Every "Choice" a Good One? – Opinion: Is every "school choice" policy currently in existence and […] Read more »
June 7, 2006
Gov. Bush signs bill giving vouchers to children in stricken program – The new law will allow qualifiying students to receive vouchers from an unchallenged program for children from poor families, which is financed through corporate tax credits. (more) Education a priority in South Carolina governor’s race – Gov. Mark Sanford says he’ll resume his […] Read more »
June 6, 2006
Jeb puts seal on a massive education-reform package – Florida students will soon be required to choose majors in high school, and middle school students will begin planning for college and careers, according to a massive education package signed by Gov. Jeb Bush on Monday. (more) Black educators divided on Villaraigosa schools plan – While […] Read more »
June 5, 2006
An A+ Choice – Rep. Vito Fossella writes about storm is brewing in education on National Review Online: The recent announcement that the Archdiocese of New York would close eight schools across the city mirrors a nationwide trend that’s been gaining momentum. (more) Special ed tuition a growing drain on D.C. – The District spent […] Read more »
June 2, 2006
Boston area school district gives public school choice a tryout – For the first time in the district’s history, the Bridgewater-Raynham Regional School Committee has adopted School Choice, a program that allows schools to accept children from outside the district. (more) No Child Left Behind a success, Boehner says – U.S. House majority leader John […] Read more »
June 1, 2006
The Destruction of Education in America – Opinion: The federal government should get out of the education business. (more) Experts Will Study How to Improve Math Teaching in U.S. – A new committee of experts will look for the best ways to improve math education in the United States.  The effort is part of the […] Read more »
May 31, 2006
Fossella talks to bishop about NY tuition tax credits – In an effort to drum up support for federal legislation that would give parents of students in parochial and private schools a $4,500 tax credit to help pay for tuition, Rep. Vito Fossella reached out yesterday to the leader of the Brooklyn Diocese. (more) Lazy […] Read more »