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Daily Headlines

Daily Headlines for June 20, 2012

UConn to oversee state's teacher evaluation program (Connecticut Post)...Charter reform signed into law, new commission appointed (Star Advertiser)...and more in Today's Daily Headlines.

Daily Headlines for June 19, 2012

Teacher bonus pay steps toward ballot (Sioux Falls Argus Leader)...Give parents safety valve to fix schools (Detroit News)...Chicago's school showdown (Wall Street Journal) ...and more in Today's Daily Headlines.

Daily Headlines for June 18, 2012

Mayors back parents seizing control of schools (Reuters)...Alaska sets new education standards (Fairbanks News Miner)...Public schools simply aren't properly funded (Philadelphia Inquirer) ...and more in Today's Daily Headlines.

Daily Headlines for June 15, 2012

Boston parents urge changes to teacher hiring process (Boston Globe)...Toledo charters plans to expand, grow (Toledo Blade)...and more in Today's Daily Headlines.

Daily Headlines for June 14, 2012

Teachers unveil proposal for new evaluations (Los Angeles Times Blog)...Tougher reading standards passed (Columbus Dispatch)...and more in Today's Daily Headlines.

Daily Headlines for June 13, 2012

Choice deadline (Nashua Times)...Testimony on PA education budget (Philadelphia Daily News)...Inside an online high school (Time)...and more in Today's Daily Headlines.

Daily Headlines for June 12, 2012

Judge backs using student achievement to evaluate L.A. teachers(Los Angeles Times)...Eyes on Chicago battle (Chicago sun times)...Private schools vying for vouchers (WNDU-IN)...and more in Today's Daily Headlines.

Daily Headlines: June 11, 2012

We're not 'throwing money' at schools (Athens Banner-Herald)...Judge strikes down school choice Law (Arkansas News)...School choice thrives in NJ (Daily Journal)...and more in Today's Daily Headlines.

Daily Headlines for June 8, 2012

Study brawl (Richmond Times Dispatch)...More than partisan politics (Huffington Post)...Open enrollment unlocks path to choice (Sacramento Bee)...and more in Today's Daily Headlines.

Daily Headlines for June 7, 2012

Students vs. status quo (City Journal)...Diversity and choice in schools necessary (The Morning Call)...Parents warn mayorals (New York Post)...and more in Today's Daily Headlines.