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April 24, 2018
UNIONS STAGE WALKOUTS. In case you hadn’t heard, the national teachers’ unions are staging/pushing for teacher walk outs across the country. In case theyhadn’t heard, the nation’s report card says less than 50 percent of our kids are proficient in the basics – with the percentages being dramatically less if you’re a minority or at-risk […] Read more »
April 18, 2018
LIVE FROM SAN DIEGO… IT’S THE ASU+GSV SUMMIT! TRANSFORMATION. It’s the thread that ties together all engaged in this, the 9th annual summit. University innovators, coding zealots, edtech investors, developers, advocates and educators have spent the past two days pitching, conversing and launching what may become the latest innovation for students. What makes this confab great […] Read more »
April 11, 2018
THIS WEEK, you can’t scan your favorite news site, Twitter feed or newspaper (yes, they’re still out there) without reading about the Nation’s Report Card. Scores from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) for 4th and 8th grade reading and mathematics are out. So are the opinions. But look again: no one’s talking about […] Read more »
April 3, 2018
CAUTION: This newswire contains serious and thought-provoking commentary on teacher pay and teacher strikes. IN LIGHT OF THE TEACHER STRIKES, we are compelled to bring you some facts, research and data about teacher pay that we hope will enlighten and inform readers and help you avoid simply falling into the trap of saying to yourself, […] Read more »
March 27, 2018
THE CAUSE AND THE PROMISE OF INNOVATION AND OPPORTUNITY THE NATIONAL CHARTER SCHOOL LAWS AND RANKINGS. In its 22nd year, this flagship national report of laws represents much more than a trusted source of standings, compelling data and trends in today’s charter school sector — all in a user-friendly online format. The 2018 report takes an […] Read more »
March 20, 2018
CITY SCHOOLS FAILURE NOT A FUNCTION OF EDREFORM… though from reading the papers lately it would seem that some believe adult misbehaviors stems from edreform measures versus the real reason: that we haven’t changed those systems enough! Indeed, these systems remain fixed on the antiquated notion that attendance (time in the chair) is a more valid indicator […] Read more »
March 13, 2018
SPOTLIGHT ON… HIGHER LEARNING   Some people are talking about reimagining high school and beyond to address deficiencies in learning, narrow the skills gap, and meet the needs of a new generation of work and the realities of a 21st century life filled with technology. At CER, we are working on taking it one step […] Read more »
March 6, 2018
SPOTLIGHT ON… SXSW, INNOVATIONS AND MORE SOUTH-BY. It’s the place to be, they say. Thousands gathered for the beginning of several days of “SOUTH-BY…” as in, “Are you going to SOUTH-BY?” South by Southwest EDU, FILM and MUSIC. And from just a day around the “campus,” it’s clear why: Austin is one big town full […] Read more »
February 28, 2018
“The health of a democratic society may be measured by the quality of functions performed by private citizens.” — Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America SPOTLIGHT ON… DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA A VIEW FROM SCOTUS. Democracy was alive and LOUD on the steps of the Supreme Court this past Monday. Oral arguments in the long-anticipated case, […] Read more »
February 21, 2018
SPOTLIGHT ON… THE CASE THAT MAY LIVE IN INFAMY. SCOTUS VS. UNIONS President Roosevelt famously declared December 7, 1941 as a “day which will live in infamy.” We don’t think that word is on the SATs anymore — or even taught — likely because we’ve made education such a dull, uniformly focused system. For decades, […] Read more »