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June 6, 2006
Randy at True Schools asks: "what is the benefit to kids of having teachers unions?" Discuss.  Read more »
June 6, 2006
Could a strike be that far off? The union representing St. Louis Public Schools teachers on Sunday issued a vote of no confidence in the district administration. About 600 union members voted unanimously, said Mary Armstrong, Local 420 president. The vote took place at an emergency meeting called to address several issues that arose at […] Read more »
June 6, 2006
Sentences have been handed down: The former treasurer of the Washington Teachers’ Union is headed to prison for ten years for his role in looting millions of dollars from union funds. James Baxter was found guilty last year along with former union office manager Gwendolyn Hemphill. They were both convicted of conspiracy, fraud, embezzlement and […] Read more »
June 6, 2006
The book stays.  Val Prieto is, of course, unhappy.  Read more »
June 5, 2006
For some folks, $36 million just isn’t enough:  A coalition of teachers union officials, students and parents Saturday demanded more money for Los Angeles Unified School District’s lowest performing schools, describing a plan to inject $36 million into 17 high school campuses as a welcome start but not enough. Complaining about large class sizes, crumbling […] Read more »
June 5, 2006
From the Oregonian: H ow long, Portland, how long? How much longer will we consign North Portland students and their parents to public schools that have systematically failed them for decades? At the end of another school year in the Jefferson High School cluster — at the end of yet another year where we talk, […] Read more »
June 2, 2006
So Andy calls Edpresso (sic) "a low-class joint (Matt) frequents from time to time." Know whut?  Read more »
June 2, 2006
Interesting LA Times editorial on the LAUSD takeover wars: ONE MAJOR OBSTACLE TO the Los Angeles mayor’s plan to take control of the Los Angeles schools is that they aren’t all Los Angeles schools. They’re also the schools of Carson, South Gate and a couple dozen other cities, whose residents are understandably worried about having […] Read more »
June 1, 2006
According to this Arizona Republic story, that’s where high school is headed: American high schools are on the brink of changes that could make them nearly unrecognizable to students who just got their diplomas. Gone may be the large campuses teeming with kids and the classmates of similar age on similar schedules that have them […] Read more »
June 1, 2006
First WaPo’s Richard Cohen questions the use of algebra.  Then ink-stained wretch Eric Zorn has this to say about spelling bees. Read more »