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May 15, 2006
In this week’s Communiqué, Mike Antonucci teachers unions’ true feelings on charter schools.  (Mike included some pix, so click the links for some gorgeous eye candy.)  Read more »
May 12, 2006

If competition isn't for human beings or public education, then shouldn't the government take over the agriculture industry?

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May 12, 2006
The contempt held against school choice by the Palm Beach Post shows no signs of letting up.   Read more »
May 12, 2006
According to the L.A. Times, Arnold Schwarzenegger is trying to dig himself out of a hole with the teachers unions: When Schwarzenegger backtracked last year on a commitment to pay off education money that had been diverted to other state programs, he made a political enemy of the well-funded education lobby. Union leaders cast him […] Read more »
May 12, 2006
Due to ISP issues that are beyond our control, I am unable to access my normal e-mail.  In the meantime, please use our backup e-mail at edspressoblog at yahoo dot com.  UPDATE: Things are fixed now.  My regular e-mail, rboots at allianceforschoolchoice dot org, is once again operational.    Read more »
May 11, 2006
A jazz trumpeter once said that it is possible, but not necessarily advisable, to play an entire improvised solo using just one note.  In that spirit, we recognize the poor tone, atrocious tuning, weak range, and generally inferior sound of this screed by Palm Beach Post columnist Jac Wilder VerSteeg.  Read more »
May 11, 2006
Saw this in today’s letters to the editor at the St. Petersburg Times: I am not a fan of vouchers to fund private education. If school choice has taught us nothing else, it is that it’s hard for even the most informed parents to make school decisions. What about those who are less informed? The […] Read more »
May 11, 2006
Roberto Martinez, former U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Florida and member of the state Department of Education: Students in schools that have failed them should not be trapped in those schools merely because their parents cannot afford a better educational choice. Families with more financial resources make these choices regularly, but students with […] Read more »
May 10, 2006
Maybe it’s just us, but we expect Joel Klein to get taken out behind the NEA woodshed any minute now: City Schools Chancellor Joel Klein gave an impassioned defense of the federal No Child Left Behind law yesterday, saying schools need more testing and accountability – not less – to bolster performance and close the […] Read more »
May 10, 2006
Compliments of this week’s Carnival of Education comes this from Larry Sankey at A Revolution of One, who takes a good look at the black liberal Democrat behind Omaha’s controversial school redistricting plan.  We’ll admit neglecting the Omaha plan; recent events in Florida and L.A. have occupied the balance of our time.  One small passage […] Read more »