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Home » Our View (Page 18)
May 10, 2006
We didn’t have a chance to get to this yesterday, but it tends to reflect rather badly on the idea that one must have the blessing of the edustablishment via certification to be considered a good teacher.   (Mike Antonucci vents a bit about it here.)  And to think that we might still be waiting for […] Read more »
May 10, 2006
First he was an Alliance for School Choice board member.  Now, he’s the next mayor of Newark: Cory Booker, a 37-year-old former Rhodes scholar, became Newark’s first new mayor in two decades by a landslide Tuesday, ushering in a new era for the struggling city. Booker swamped his nearest challenger, state Sen. Ronald L. Rice, […] Read more »
May 10, 2006
The L.A. Times says LAUSD could face an audit: Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and leaders of several neighboring cities will call today for a state audit of student achievement in the Los Angeles Unified School District. Villaraigosa and mayors from other cities served by the school system want a joint committee of the Assembly […] Read more »
May 9, 2006
Boy oh boy.  Read more »
May 9, 2006
We just got wind of a letter Ed Sec Spellings sent to California regarding our recent legal filing in L.A.  Our response is here. UPDATE: Download the letter here. Main stuff: Public school choice and SES are critical to students’ academic success, and yet there are indications that participation in public school choice and SES […] Read more »
May 8, 2006
Our nation’s vexing education problems could use a little dose of real-world wisdom.  Some of the insights painfully learned in the world of baseball could work wonders.   Read more »
May 8, 2006
After revelations of alleged NYSUT kickbacks from investment companies and subsequent calls for investigation, New York Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate Eliot Spitzer is distancing himself from the teachers’ union: State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer canceled his speech to the state’s largest teachers’ union that endorsed his campaign for governor because he is investigating its […] Read more »
May 5, 2006
The editorial board of the PB&J goes after the Florida Senate and round two of the amendment fight.  And, of course, the gang can’t quite stop itself from hitting the tired old accountability argument. Read more »
May 5, 2006
Ed reform junkies will find all sorts of eye candy over at the Atlanta-Journal Constitution today.  First, a response to an editorial we addressed yesterday.  Charles Knapp (we’re not sure, but we think he’s the former president of the University of Georgia) says this in response to the criticism of private companies involved in K-12 […] Read more »
May 4, 2006
If there were lingering doubts that teachers unions are the worms in the apple of the American education system, take a look at the monumental setback for school reform in Florida this week. Read more »