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May 4, 2006
New Jersey is saying enough is enough on education spending: New Jersey’s 31 neediest school districts want too much money, and the state can no longer afford their increasingly high demands, the state attorney general told New Jersey’s Supreme Court yesterday. "We have gotten to a point where the supplemental funding requests of some districts […] Read more »
May 4, 2006
Earlier this week the Atlanta Journal-Constitution launched this broadside against private educompanies: Studies on America’s schools appear with the regularity of weather reports, but the forecast is rarely for sunny days to come, only gray skies and storm clouds. Now, two more research studies rain on the assumption by some that public education can be […] Read more »
May 4, 2006
”Students using vouchers will now be welcomed back into Florida public schools," said Ron Meyer, lead lawyer for the unions/school districts when the Florida voucher program was struck down in January.      Well, not quite: The Florida Senate passed a compromise plan to preserve Gov. Jeb Bush’s statewide school voucher program Thursday. The legislation […] Read more »
May 3, 2006
Katie of A Constrained Vision points out that Ohio’s teacher unions are smacking at charter schools with one hand and reaching out with the other: All three major unions — the Ohio Education Association, Ohio Federation of Teachers and Ohio Association of Professional School Employees — have said they are interested in gaining charter-school teachers […] Read more »
May 3, 2006
Dave reads this week’s EIA Communique and adds some interesting thoughts on school funding.  Read more »
May 3, 2006
One Bronx high school has degenerated into being little more than a degree mill: Ramses Santelises was supposed to graduate from John F. Kennedy High in the Bronx in June 2005, but, he said, he goofed off his senior year. He failed senior English in the second semester and two gym classes. "I got senioritis," […] Read more »
May 3, 2006
We got the following from Joanne Jacobs on her new book: I’ll speak and sign books on Thursday, May 11 at 5:30 pm at William E. Doar Jr. (WEDJ) Public Charter School for the Performing Arts, 705 Edgewood St. NE, Washington, DC (near the Rhode Island and Brookland-CUA metro stops). In addition, the school’s musical […] Read more »
May 3, 2006
The Palm Beach Post, in its usual style, breaks out the hatchet for reporting the amendment vote.  But this (yes, it’s a news report, not op-ed commentary) is just too much. Read more »
May 2, 2006
Radley Balko, who blogs at The Agitator and is a self-described policy wonk with Cato, is one of several writers on Cato’s new group blog.  (Come to think of it, what took Cato so long to get into the blogosphere, anyway?)  Read more »
May 2, 2006
With the defeat of the Florida voucher amendment yesterday by a single vote, Florida media is hopping today.  Keep visiting this space for updates. Read more »