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May 1, 2006
Yesterday’s St. Petersburg Times article illustrates why we elected not to do a press release to the Florida papers on our radio ad campaign. As mentioned in the article, my organization is running radio ads in Florida aimed at convincing certain black state senators to vote for a proposed constitutional amendment to protect the Florida […] Read more »
May 1, 2006
You know, if we were Lakeland Ledger subscribers, we would demand a refund right about now.  The paper’s Saturday editorial reads suspiciously like the Palm Beach Post hatchet job from last Wednesday.  Hey, fisking this sort of stuff is what a blogger lives for.  Read more »
April 28, 2006
Even in the wake of recent history in Kansas City, some judges remain persuaded that even politicians can’t spend enough on schools: Spending on public schools nationwide has skyrocketed to $536 billion as of the 2004 school year, or more than $10,000 per pupil. That’s more than double per pupil what we spent three decades […] Read more »
April 27, 2006
A while back I read an interview of an economist who identified two issues of greatest economic importance: Two things, I think, things that people are missing and that, if we keep ignoring them, are so dangerous that they could kill our economy: immigration and education. That was waaaaay back in 1997.  And today? Californians […] Read more »
April 27, 2006
Shhh…hear that?  Them’s war drums in the distance: Los Angeles Board of Education President Marlene Canter quietly traveled to Sacramento on Wednesday to discuss with state lawmakers the ongoing battle for control of the city school district. The trip comes days before the introduction of widely anticipated legislation that, if passed, would strip the seven-member […] Read more »
April 27, 2006
As you can tell, we here at Edspresso want to hear lots of different voices.  We’ve set up a Featured Commentary section for precisely that purpose.  And if you haven’t checked out the Debate section lately, you should see Neal and Mike go at it–the carnage has been pretty intense, and we’ve got another day […] Read more »
April 26, 2006
First of all, this blogger has some empathy for those who choose to blog anonymously due to work constraints.  I did so for a year while in a different line of work.  We’ve all heard the usual reasons: it could put my job in jeopardy, I don’t want to harm my current employer, I fear […] Read more »
April 26, 2006
Want proof that we really are fans of public schools?  Blogosphere denizens may remember this story about a group of Latino immigrant kids from Phoenix’s Carl Hayden High School that creamed a bunch of schools (including MIT and Cambridge) in an underwater robotics competition.  The school has continued to sponsor a team, and the Arizona […] Read more »
April 26, 2006
While much of MSM’s coverage of school choice is spotty at best, the Palm Beach Post is in a league of its own when its comes to one-sided–sometimes even venomous–reporting and commentary on the issue.  Today’s editorial is a case in point.  This is the first in a regular series of responses to erroneous, distorted […] Read more »
April 26, 2006
Can’t believe we failed to mention this from yesterday.  Some of the nation’s largest teachers unions have joined forces with investment companies to steer their members into retirement plans with high expenses that eat away at returns. In what might seem an unlikely partnership, the unions endorse investment providers, even specific products, and the companies […] Read more »