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April 25, 2006
One of our new favorite blogs is D-Ed Reckoning, who has Jonathan Kozol firmly in his sights. Go here and here for detailed, pointed criticism.  Read more »
April 25, 2006
…the school choice closet, that is.  As much as I might dislike saying it, IF I was given the opportunity to use school vouchers to enroll my boys in a private or parochial school that truly offered a better educational opportunity to my boys, then I would do it. Yes, it might cost me some […] Read more »
April 25, 2006
EducationNews is all over a story coming out of Katy, a western suburb of Houston: A technology vendor that has been paid over $13 million by the Katy Independent School District filed three years of State Franchise Tax Reports Tuesday of this week in an effort to restore its corporate privileges that were originally forfeited […] Read more »
April 25, 2006
There’s a new edublog in town by Miami Herald reporter Matt Pinzer.  In his first post, he drops a sweet link on us.  Welcome to the edusphere, Matt!  Read more »
April 25, 2006
After hearing complaints from the Ohio Education Association that charter schools siphon off funding (a common criticism of school choice generally), the inimitable Mike Antonucci delivers the numbers on state spending in this week’s Communiqué (scroll down to #2): EIA’s school district spending and enrollment tables, updated with the latest U.S. Census data, show clearly […] Read more »
April 24, 2006
Now this is a decision we’re glad we don’t have to make: Plantation High School valedictorian Mackenzie Howell had a choice: pomp and circumstance or launch and liftoff? She chose liftoff. While her classmates are attending graduation ceremonies, Howell, 17, will compete in the Team America National Rocketry Challenge in Virginia. Howell leads one of […] Read more »
April 24, 2006
Newark mayoral candidate Cory Booker (disclosure: he’s an Alliance for School Choice board member) has captured the attention of the Gray Lady.  On May 9, when Newark’s voters go to the polls, the curtain will drop on the memorable and controversial reign of Sharpe James. For the first time since 1986, Mr. James is not […] Read more »
April 21, 2006
We’re several months removed from Bill Bennett’s AM radio snafu, but that’s still not enough distance for some folks.  (In case you were living under a rock at the time, go here for more on the unfortunate episode.)  What was apparently lost in the mayhem of the moment is that Bennett certainly paid a price […] Read more »
April 21, 2006
A Hawaii education reporter has cast a jaded eye on the Hawaii State Teachers’ Association: HSTA reports on its 2003-04 Form 990 that $3.1 million of $4.8 million in dues collected from 12,513 members was paid out in HSTA personnel salaries, benefits and payroll costs. Executive Director Joan Husted now tops out the pay chart […] Read more »
April 21, 2006

Oprah Winfrey recently used two days of her program to highlight the crisis in American public schools, focusing attention on our appalling dropout problem. The visuals were quite stunning.

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