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April 21, 2006
First Kimberly Swygert goes on a semi-emeritus status from Number 2 Pencil (fortunately, she’ll still be over at Education Wonks from time to time).  Then EdWahoo goes on hiatus until May.  Hmmm…suddenly I’m feeling just exhausted…I could really use a break… Read more »
April 21, 2006

The leaders of the Alliance for School Choice and CURE discuss their decision to take legal action against the Los Angeles and Compton Unified School Districts. 

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April 20, 2006
Just discovered D-Ed Reckoning.  Try this on for size—it’s possibly one of the most devastating critiques of teacher performance and education reporting we’ve read in a while.  Read more »
April 20, 2006
That’s the word from one top New Hampshire bureaucrat: Giving tax credits to businesses that help pay for private school vouchers would be “a recipe for chaos,” the state’s top tax official said yesterday. “This can’t be administered,” Department of Revenue Administration Commissioner Phil Blatsos told the House Ways and Means Committee yesterday. The bill, […] Read more »
April 20, 2006
First they came for KIPP.  Now they’re coming for SEED.  Read more »
April 20, 2006
Some education analyst types are about to square off over dropout rates: Widely accepted reports in recent years that two-thirds of all students and only half of minorities graduate from high school have sparked a major push by the nation’s governors and President Bush to overhaul America’s high schools. The National Governors Association last summer […] Read more »
April 20, 2006
The NEA-affiliated Indiana State Teachers Association will be filing a lawsuit today against the state to demand higher funding: The Indiana State Teachers Association will file on April 20 a lawsuit against the State of Indiana for failing to fund the standards and accountability mandates required for Indiana’s public schools. Specifically, the lawsuit alleges that […] Read more »
April 19, 2006
In the spirit of Media Matters going after conservative media bias both real and perceived, a group of academics is targeting conservative/libertarian think tanks: A group of education researchers recently launched a project to review education reports released by private think tanks to judge the quality of their research, the accuracy of their conclusions and […] Read more »
April 19, 2006
Don’t mind us–we’re just trying to claim Edspresso on Technorati through this Technorati Profile tag. Read more »
April 19, 2006
Well, this is it–after weeks of plotting and planning, this show is finally on the road! Read more »