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March 21, 2006
This story just comes out and says it: parents just need to quit poking their noses where they don’t belong! They are needy, overanxious and sometimes plain pesky — and schools at every level are trying to find ways to deal with them. No, not students. Parents — specifically parents of today’s "millennial generation" who, […] Read more »
March 20, 2006
Ready, aim, fire: Workers themselves increasingly recognize the reality that there is no free lunch through unionization and are increasingly voting to be non-union. But the word has yet to reach many among the intelligentsia, who still think of labor unions as institutions that benefit the working class. You can always benefit particular segments of […] Read more »
March 16, 2006
Ruben Navarrette goes after his teacher critics with both barrels: I used to think that left-wing Latino activists, Minutemen vigilantes and politicians in both parties had the thinnest skins on the planet. But now that I’ve been scolded for criticizing the critics of the No Child Left Behind education law, I’d have to say that […] Read more »
March 10, 2006
Now here’s a prime example of the sort of thing that’s supposed to happen with school choice. First, some background is in order. Massachusetts passed public school choice legislation back in 1991. Upshot on the program: school districts can opt out of the program, parents can elect to take their children to a different school, […] Read more »
March 8, 2006
As you wish, Concord (N.H.) Monitor. Read more »
March 6, 2006
Some anti-choice types just can’t keep all that hostility bottled up: In December, a Home School Legal Defense Association member family in Fayette County, West Virginia, received a letter from the county’s attendance director. The two-page letter demanded that families complete and return a form declaring whether they intended to use the WESTEST or another […] Read more »
March 3, 2006
As anybody even remotely interested in national politics is aware, ethics investigations are all the rage these days in Washington. The latest casualty: House Democrat John Conyers, who has been accused by some former staffers of violating various ethics rules, including being required to baby-sit and chauffer his kids, one of which went to the […] Read more »