Newswire Weekly
NEWSWIRE: September 16, 2014
Vol. 16, No. 36 EQUITY TAKES NEW YORK. Five family plaintiffs, along with the Northeast Charter Schools Network, have taken necessary steps to fight for an equitable funding structure that does not shortchange public charter school students. Reminiscent of when families in the District of Columbia put their foot down in July by filing suit, these plaintiffs…
NEWSWIRE: September 9, 2014
Vol. 16, No. 35 UNDER THE HOOD? Readers of the Sunday paper in Baton Rouge, LA, were greeted by an editorial criticizing CER’s analysis of Louisiana’s ‘C’ graded voucher program in the 2014 Voucher Laws Across the States: Ranking & Scorecard. In this case, the editorial took issue with Louisiana losing points due to infringement on…
NEWSWIRE: September 3, 2014
Vol. 16, No. 34 A BEACON OF INSPIRATION. The world lost a stalwart leader and, relatively speaking, an unknown pioneer in the education reform movement yesterday. That millions of children and adults are now learning because of technology-driven, online solutions is owed largely to the path-breaking work Barbara Dreyer started nearly 20 years ago. Barbara knew that…
NEWSWIRE: August 26, 2014
Vol. 16, No. 33 THE GOLDEN STATE OF CHARTERS. As if there isn’t enough excitement around the start of school, a new report illuminates a remarkable transformation that has taken place in the California charter school sector over the last few years. Between the 2007-08 and 2012-13 school years, the number of charter schools performing in…
NEWSWIRE: August 19, 2014
Vol. 16, No. 32 Students across the country are heading back to school, and Newswire is highlighting stories that show what to build on from last year, what educators are doing to make this new year a success, and what everyone can do to support a year full of choices, accountability, and most importantly, student success. STRIPPING PARENTS OF POWER…
NEWSWIRE: We Want to Hear From YOU!
This isn’t your typical Newswire (We warned you we’d be on break, remember?) This week, we want YOU supplying the latest stories in education reform. From state officials to school leaders to engaged citizens, no story or anecdote is too small in the effort to better student outcomes, and CER wants to know: How do YOU help #DeliverThePromise of an…
NEWSWIRE: August 5, 2014
Vol. 16, No. 31 NEW YORK HEATS UP... No that isn’t a reference to the dog days of summer, but rather the ramped up criticism Campbell Brown and the courageous parent plaintiffs are receiving in New York, as they work through legal action to improve educational conditions for children. Whether it’s the peanut gallery at the…
NEWSWIRE: July 29, 2014
Vol. 16, No. 30 EXCUSE ME, YOU’RE BLOCKING THE VIRTUAL SCHOOLHOUSE DOOR... Arguably the most glaring example of school choice denial this week is taking place in Tennessee, where 626 legally enrolled students of the Tennessee Virtual Academy now face uncertain prospects just two weeks before school starts. Education Commissioner Kevin Huffman has granted a waiver to the…
NEWSWIRE: July 22, 2014
Vol. 16, No. 29 WHAT TO SAY WHEN SOMEONE SAYS CHARTER SCHOOLS DON’T PRODUCE RESULTS FOR KIDS… They do, and they do it with less money. The old saying, “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade,” goes a little differently in the charter school sector, reading something like, “When public entities hand you less taxpayer…
NEWSWIRE: July 15, 2014
Vol. 16, No. 28 LEBRON MIGHT BE GONE, BUT SUCCESSFUL CHARTER PROVIDERS AREN’T... Congratulations to Florida school leaders and students on a strong showing in the 2014 Schools Accountability Report that gives both charter and traditional schools letter grades based on state assessments. The number of schools to receive A grades this year increased by 7…