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SOTU Wish List – What's old is new

Last year, we made a list of things we hoped we would hear in President Obama's State of the Union Address.  This year, not much has changed, and our wish list remains in tact: State of the Union Wish List Tonight, President Obama will give the first second State of the Union address of his…

"Without School Choice, Where Would I Be Today?"

At the National School Choice Week’s Whistle Stop tour event in Washington, DC on Wednesday, we had the amazing opportunity to hear first-hand how school choice directly benefitted the lives of three remarkable students in the DC area. CER President Kara Kerwin introduced the students and listed their many accomplishments, and was joined by other…

What if in America we had the FREEDOM to choose?

Today across America we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a heroic visionary who dedicated his life to social justice and equality. At the same time, more than 50 years after Dr. King shared his dreams of equality and opportunity on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, millions of children…


On September 25, 1957, nine courageous black students risked their safety just to attend school in newly integrated Little Rock, Arkansas following the historic Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision. Nearly 57 years later, an Arkansas judge approved a measure that will halt state payments within four years to Little Rock schools that aided desegregation efforts. In the meantime,…

Postcards From the Past – NO. 7

 Postcards from the Past  A new, occasional blog post in commemoration of CER’s 20 years in business and the historical events that have taken place during our history and the history of the education reform movement. In its annual “Quality Counts” release, the researchers at Education Week took a different approach to state evaluations in…

Postcards From the Past – NO. 6

Postcards from the Past  A new, occasional blog post in commemoration of CER’s 20 years in business and the historical events that have taken place during our history and the history of the education reform movement. This time last year brought reflections on the major developments in education policy at the state level during 2012,…

Goodbye Mr. Mayor

As we say farewell to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, we hope the education reforms he enacted during his tenure are as durable as the Styrofoam cups he sought to ban. Over the past decade, New York City has become one of the nation’s laboratories for charter school expansion in the United States. With…

Reflective Blog on My Time as an Intern

Tyler Losey My internship at the Center for Education Reform is coming to an end and I think there are two central things that it has given me.  These go beyond the important professional experiences, seeing what working in a non-profit office was like, meeting leaders in education from government and the advocacy world, and…

My Experience with CER

Originally going into my fall internship at the Center for Education Reform, I knew little about the organization, besides that its focus was education. While I am very passionate about the education field, most of my knowledge comes first hand, from tutoring or assistant teaching. I thought it would be interesting to see what it…

Spacey In Seattle: Muddled Reaction To Charter Law Decision

Egged on by hyperbolic media headlines, teacher union chiefs and their anti-reform surrogates declared the Washington state charter school law unconstitutional, treating it as the kiss of death to innovative educational solutions in the Evergreen State. However, the ruling actually upholds the law’s constitutionality, albeit not to its fullest, which no doubt sets up an…