Tyler Losey: My 2013 Charter Conference Experience
The charter school movement has very strong enemies. First, there is the mass of unions, bureaucrats, and politicians working every day against reform. There is ignorance about what exactly charter schools are, which is an enemy as well. At times it might seem like the proponents of charter schools have no chance of success --…
Macon Richardson: My 2013 Charter Conference Experience
Commuters flooded in and out of Tenleytown station, ready to face a typical DC, muggy Monday morning. For me, however, the morning was decidedly atypical. Instead of hopping on the red line to CER’s Bethesda office, I took the train the opposite direction. I headed downtown to DC’s convention center for the National Alliance of…
Austin White: My 2013 Charter Conference Experience
As I walked through the doors of the Charter School Conference wheeling suitcases full of CER’s tote bags, I watched the subtle expression of confusion emerge on the toughened face of the security guard ahead of me. I tried to appear confident, but insecurely felt that my ambivalence was radiating. We had been unsure of…
Annie Bennett: My 2013 Charter Conference Experience
After representing CER at the National Charter School Conference this week, one thing was evident -- sometimes you can learn a lot from the sidelines. This year’s conference was located here in D.C., which meant it was a great opportunity to spread information and publications about what CER stands for and the impact the organization…
Callie Wendell: My 2013 Charter Conference Experience
On Monday, July 1st I was given the opportunity to help out CER at the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools Conference. Although I did not get to attend the exhibits, I was able to interact with a variety of people and get a feel for what exactly happens at the conference. While there I…
From Charter School Student, to College, to Veterinarian Career
How does your school prepare you for college? What steps does your school take to give you the experience of college? As a junior attending Cesar Chavez Public Charter School for Public Policy, the school has started to get me thinking about college and career options. The Chavez Schools mission is to prepare scholars to…
First Fridays: Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School
Today CER staff had the opportunity to tour Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School, the first adult education charter school in the nation, thanks to a monthly charter school tour event sponsored by CityBridge Foundation, FOCUS and Charter Board Partners called "First Fridays". (We had the opportunity to visit Yu Ying public charter school in…
Why I Chose a Charter School
Hello, I’m Briana McManus. I am in the eleventh grade at the Cesar Chavez Public Charter School – Parkside Campus and interning at CER for three weeks as a part of my fellowship to obtain job experience and to prepare me for life after high school. While reviewing different articles, statistics, and facts at my…
Dieting Lessons and Common Core
CER President Jeanne Allen's full response to a thoughtful piece by Michael McShane titled Dispatches from a nervous Common Core observer (part 3 of 10): Can’t anything be called 'Common Core Aligned?' is found below. Please see AEI's blog for original commentary. I’m still back on the diet analogy Mike. To me, reading your analysis…
What makes a person who benefitted from choice repel it?
“Do you have a card?” She had a huge smile, coming up to me right after I spoke to the NC House Education Committee —the largest, it would seem, in the free world with 53 members (!)– about the need for opportunity scholarships to provide poor children access to quality schools. “Um, I’ll get you…