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Posing as Reform in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania State Rep. James Roebuck (D-Philadelphia) is not an honest broker. With more than $50,000 in contributions each year from the city’s teachers unions, the public should know that the reform bill he is backing for charter schools is about destroying, not reforming; about raising up the status quo, not real reform of our schools.…

University Academy Tour in Missouri

March 7, 2013 Stephanie Heishman, CER's senior development director, was in Kansas City on Monday and had the opportunity to tour University Academy, a Kansas City K-12 college prep charter school that serves approximately 1,000 students. The mission of University Academy is to prepare students to succeed in an institution of higher education and to…

First Fridays: Washington Yu Ying Public Charter School

March 1, 2013 First Fridays, a monthly charter school tour event sponsored by CityBridge Foundation, FOCUS and Charter Board Partners, gives people in the DC metro area a chance to see some truly amazing schools at work. Today, our VP of Research, Alison Consoletti, with 25 other choice supporters, checked out Washington Yu Ying Public…

A Pretty Good Sales Pitch For MA Charter Schools

March 1, 2013 In a follow-up to their initial 2009 report on the Bay State, CREDO has released its latest Charter School Performance Report on Massachusetts, a six year study that analyzes the effectiveness of Massachusetts's charter schools and in particular, their performance in the Boston area. The report was largely positive on both math and…

Why Truly Independent and Multiple Authorizers Are Important

February 28, 2013 It’s not surprising that Louisiana’s charter school authority expansion fell flat in its first year. Louisiana’s experience is proof that not all efforts to improve laws are created equal. Strong charter school laws do not require new groups to apply to become authorizers. It is actually a disincentive to do so. Strong…

Honoring Rosa Parks: Supporter of Freedom for Families Choosing Schools

February 27, 2013 The Rosa Parks statue was unveiled today in Washington D.C. at the Capitol's Statuary Hall. The statue portrays Rosa clutching her purse, reminding observers of the courageous moment when she refused to give up her seat. It is a permanent reminder of the cause she embodied and stood for -- freedom. Freedom…

NYC Charter Achievement Positive Across Multiple Studies

February 20, 2013 The latest CREDO report looks at New York City charter school achievement and finds generally positive results. CREDO research on other cities and states, like the Michigan report released in January, has generally yielded positive results. But perhaps more interesting is the fact that NYC CREDO findings are in line with work…

Don’t Call Me Stupid! Underestimating Parental Choice

February 19, 2013 Apparently, all of the poor parents I’ve met all these years are actually stupid. I didn’t know this until I read yet another review of how people actually get into charter schools. You probably didn’t know this but there’s a bunch of really smart poor folk who know that there are charter…

Love For Education Reformers on Valentine's Day

February 14, 2013 It's Valetine's Day and the team at CER is loved. But truthfully, we "Heart" education reform pioneers Barnett and Shirley Helzberg for starting Kansas City's University Academy, teaching us all a lesson or two by authoring, "What I Learned Before I Sold to Warren Buffett," and always reminding us that our mission…

Regulations Hinder Choice

February 11, 2013 The Fordham Institute’s most recent report School Choice Regulations: Red Tape or Red Herring? examines different types of regulations on private school choice programs and how implementation of regulations effects schools’ participation. It’s not surprising that there is a correlation between regulatory burden and school participation in private choice programs. However, when…