Newswire – March 5, 2019
OUR HEARTS ARE WITH ALABAMA. Another tragic storm, lives lost, years of work to repair. And like everything, our minds go to “school.” Like thousands of other small communities hit by natural disasters along our southern flank especially, education is often a casualty of storms, too. Schools in Lee County, AL are getting ready to…
Newswire – February 26, 2019
KIDS LOSE THE KENTUCKY DERBY. It was déjà-vu all over again, but not in the humorous sense Yogi Berra meant, as Kentucky once again failed to fund any charter schools. The state has authorized charter schools, but has failed to appropriate any funds for the program. A whiff of hypocrisy hovers over those actions. Blue Grass…
Newswire – February 20, 2019
MORE BI-PARTISAN SUPPORT FOR CHOICE. In a major “get” for ed opportunity supporters, New Jersey Senator and presumptive Democrat Presidential candidate Cory Booker signed on to Senate Bill 213 that re-authorizes the District of Columbia’s Opportunity Scholarship program. The Opportunity Scholarships are the only federally funded program that helps low-income children pay for private school…
Newswire – February 12, 2019
WEST VIRGINIA’S FAILURE & FOLLY. Just a week ago, an omnibus education package came out of the WV Senate, providing a first ever comprehensive strategy for ensuring we educate children and students of all ages, no matter what it takes. The package included education savings accounts to help parents with special needs children and kids…
Newswire – February 5, 2019
WHAT WE’D LIKE TO HEAR IN THE SOTU (and the response!). We promise - no more acronyms. But as we have every year that a president offers his thoughts on the state of the union, we offer what edreformers believe would make this year’s address a real stand out for those who care about whether…
Newswire – January 29, 2019
CAPPING OPPORTUNITY? Today in Los Angeles, thousands of charter school parents will rally to protest the union-backed ban on charter schools. As a condition of ending the teachers strike, the School Board agreed last week to a public vote banning charter schools, as if they are some plague on society that need to be terminated.…
Newswire – January 23, 2019
LA MAKES THE WRONG CHOICE. The nation celebrates#SchoolChoiceWeek this week. Being able to choose one's own school is vital, and giving every student, parent, and teacher the opportunity to shape their own education is really what this is about. Yet in Los Angeles, with a district acquiescing to demands based on faulty assumptions about…
Newswire – January 15, 2019
EDUCATION & EMPLOYMENT. The potential for innovation in higher ed, alternative pathways, programs and flexibility across postsecondary is the subject of debate at the US Department of Education’s (ED) “Accreditation & Innovation” hearings this week, part of ED’s negotiating rule-making process. The highly bi-partisan effort embraced by people across higher ed, ed tech, the investment community and…
Newswire – January 8, 2019
Yes, yes – by all means eat healthier, exercise more and all that jazz. But the resolutions about which we will be most resolute are all about continuing CER’s leadership to ensure that every American student, whether child or adult, is prepared to achieve their goals and dreams. A few not-so-modest examples: MAKE “WHY AMERICA?” A…
Newswire – December 18, 2018
ALL WE WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS... FORGET ABOUT TWO FRONT TEETH. We'd gladly swap those for two more Governors like educational choice superstars Kristi Noem of South Dakota and Jared Polis of Colorado. Republican Noem and Democrat Polis may not agree on much, but they are solid in their support of more innovation and opportunity…