Newswire – December 11, 2018
MAYBE WE NEED ANOTHER 1989. The tributes to President George H.W. Bush continue, and many of us have reminded and been reminded that perhaps his biggest contribution to education was getting all the governors together so they could all be winners in the fight against bad education. It wasn’t all selfless of course - Dems were trying…
Newswire – December 4, 2018
THE MAKING OF AN EDUCATION PRESIDENT. The nation lost a true patriot this weekend, with the passing of President George H.W. Bush. As often noted, he was a true gentleman with a good heart. Less known was that he was a stalwart champion for creative alternatives in education. His Administration fell square in the middle of the…
Newswire – November 27, 2018 #GivingTuesday
We interrupt your regularly scheduled Newswire to bring you a special announcement! Last week we shared with you just a fraction of the reasons we are #Thankful. We stopped as we do often (though not often enough) to salute those parents who fight for better education, educators who create their own schools or programs, entrepreneurs who…
Newswire – November 20, 2018
Besides the turkey, stuffing, gravy and pecan pie, CER gives thanks for many things even more important – well at least more important every other day of the year except this Thursday! WE GIVE THANKS – like virtually everybody else in America, that the election is finally over. We are especially thankful that candidates who favored…
Newswire – November 13, 2018
ELECTION RETURNS RATIOCINATION. We wouldn’t blame you if you have had your fill of election related items, but good and important things happened on election night for innovation and opportunity in education. Governor’s races are where the action was, and while not all the news was good, supporters in both parties of CER’s agenda of change and…
Newswire – November 7, 2018
(Washington, DC. November 7, 2018) The results of the 2018 election cycle will be deeply reviewed and analyzed for days, months and years to come, but the initial results among the states demonstrate that education opportunity is a winning issue. Candidates that embrace policies that empower parents, provide more flexibility for schools and teachers, and foster innovation…
Newswire – October 30, 2018
WELCOME TO A SPECIAL, PICTORIAL, EDITION OF NEWSWIRE, COVERING THE CER SILVER ANNIVERSARY GALA & SUMMIT. Held in Miami, Florida last Thursday and Friday, the leaders of innovation across all sectors gathered to build the new Road to Innovation. Read and view just a snippet of the extraordinary conversation and celebrations that occurred. We'll be…
Newswire – October 23, 2018
FAILING AMERICA’S STUDENTS. As Mark Anthony once said, “if you have tears, prepare to shed them now." The latest American College Testing (ACT) scores are out, assessing readiness of high school seniors to succeed in college, and it’s not good. Only 60% of high schoolers met collegiate success benchmarks in English, 46% in reading, 40% in math…
Newswire – October 16, 2018
IRRESPONSIBLE. The amount of time some people spend trying to defend the indefensible – lagging education achievement – is truly irresponsible. The Washington Post once again features a piece, thanks to anti-education opportunity and innovation blogger Valerie Strauss, that claims education isn’t really all that bad, (despite using a chart that shows most students don’t even make…
Newswire – October 2, 2018
SURVEY NONSENSE. Don’t we all just love surveys that give zero sum options to respondents? A group called GenForward partnered with the prestigious University of Chicago to ask Millennials their views on the issues that will drive their votes, including education. These 18-24-year-olds think more progress was made under Obama in education than during Trump,…