Newswire: July 12, 2016 — Potential VP candidate Mike Pence to headline forum — Charter Schools Go To Ballot in MA — FL teacher starts alternative school
WILL GOV PENCE STILL KEYNOTE OUR EDUCATION FORUM? When we finalized the roster for the CER-KEMP Foundation Forum on Parent Power, little did we know we had picked a potential VP candidate to headline it! Indiana Governor Mike Pence was sought out not only because he has led a state to expand and foster great…
Newswire: July 5, 2016 — Burdensome compliance requirements for Ohio charter schools — North Carolina expands opportunity — Massachusetts charter high schoolers college-bound
PIONEER STATE OPPORTUNITY. Parents of more than 32,000 children anxiously await November for a ballot question to lift the cap on charter schools in the Bay State. According to new data from six Boston charter high schools – which serve a student population that’s largely Black and Latino – 98 percent of graduates are accepted…
NEWSWIRE: June 28, 2016 — What's next for Charter Schools?
We’re on the ground in Nashville, TN this week at the National Charter Schools Conference, and from panel discussions to side conversations the message for a New Opportunity Agenda is clear: Charter schools must get back to their roots of being innovative learning opportunities for children. QUOTABLE. A few of the best remarks overheard so far…
Newswire: June 21, 2016 — Sounding the Alarm for Innovation & Opportunity — Virtual Charter Schools Report Hurts Opportunity — MA Charter Cap Lift Likely Decided by Ballot
SOUNDING THE ALARM FOR INNOVATION & OPPORTUNITY. Hundreds convened last week in Washington, DC to disrupt education and promote CER's New Opportunity Agenda. "I left the lunch meeting feeling inspired and energized; filled with new ideas to try, groups with which to collaborate and ways to engage the students and their families who desire the…
Newswire: June 14, 2016 — A New Equation for EdReform — A Better Way — Remembering Choice Champion Voinovich — Literacy Solutions
A New Equation for EdReform — A Better Way — Remembering Choice Champion Voinovich — Literacy Solutions
Newswire: June 7, 2016 – Find out what our new social media avatar means — de Blasio shuts down Pre-K — Race is red herring in battle for better schools
I + O = R. Wonder what it means? There’s only one way to find out. On June 15, our founder and CEO, Jeanne Allen, will reveal a new manifesto. This call to arms distills our philosophy into three key words. If you’re in the DC area, we’d love for you to join us for…
Newswire: May 31, 2016 – A New Equation for Education Reform
I + O = R. Since 1993, CER has led the charge for substantive, structural changes in American education that can provide lasting opportunities for children and families, long after the fads and generations have come and gone. Now, 23 years later, we’re applying a new equation in EdReform. To help us expand, we’re pleased…
Newswire: May 24, 2016
Vol. 18, No. 19 FIX TENURE. Rather than wait for another ruling in the Vergara v. California case, Democratic Assembly member Susan Bonilla has introduced legislation to curb tenure laws. “To wait is to lose another year in a child’s life,” said Bonilla. While Vergara must still be re-fought and won to improve educational quality, it’s…
Newswire: May 10, 2016
Vol. 18, No. 18 CRISIS OF ACCOUNTABILITY. The Connecticut Senate narrowly averted passing a law that would disconnect any part of teacher evaluations from the performance of their students. It’s hard to believe in this day and age that anyone would say that teachers have nothing to do with how students perform, but that’s precisely…
Special Charter Schools Week Newswire
Vol. 18, No. 17 May 3, 2016 This National Charter Schools Week (May 1-7), the Center for Education Reform is dedicated to growing public awareness of the original vision of charter schools and those that still embody that vision, making education better for the hundreds of thousands of parents, teachers, students, community leaders, policymakers, and…