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Special Edition Newswire

Vol. 18, No. 16 April 26, 2016 A RECAP ON THE NATION'S LEADING EDUCATION TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION SUMMIT PUTTING THE "I" IN EDREFORM. Resetting the landscape for structural change in education requires providing for maximum opportunities for kids, teachers and families - and the flexibility for innovations to be tested and applied. CER is leading…

Newswire: April 12, 2016

PUTTING THE EDTECH IN EDREFORM, the team of the nation’s premier parent power organization, CER, will be joining ASU+GSV Summit attendees April 18-20. The standout conference with its unique focus on technology, innovation, and education will be ground zero for major advances in the effort to improve economic outcomes for all Americans, particularly our youth.…

Newswire: April 5, 2016

Vol. 18, No. 14 HOW IS LACK OF FREEDOM A WIN? US Education Secretary John King called the 4-4 SCOTUS ruling on the Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association a win for educators, but that’s hardly the case. The whole point of this suit was teacher freedom. Rebecca Friedrichs and her colleagues boldly took a stand against…

Newswire: March 29, 2016

Vol. 18, No. 13 TEACHER RIGHTS. The Supreme Court’s split decision today in the Friedrichs v. California Teachers Assocation et al. case does not mean that the issue of teachers’ rights is going away. "Great and courageous teachers like Rebecca Friedrichs have already exposed the public to the issue of union collective bargaining power in…

Newswire: March 22, 2016

Vol. 18, No. 12 NEW INDEX ON THE BLOCK. There’s a new education index on the block (of course Newswire readers know that CER’s Parent Power Index was one of the first) called the Education Equality Index, and it measures how well states, cities, and schools are doing when it comes to closing the achievement…

Newswire: March 15, 2016

Vol. 18, No. 11 ED TECH CAN BOOST OPPORTUNITY. Every child in America deserves the opportunity to access a high-quality education in whatever format best fits their needs. Microsoft knows CER Founder Jeanne Allen has been a tireless advocate towards that goal, and wanted her thoughts on how ed tech, a booming source of innovation…

Newswire: March 8, 2016

Vol. 18, No. 10 DC IS NUMBER ONE. For the past 20 years the Center’s Charter School Laws Across The States Ranking & Scorecard has employed proven analysis to rank the nation’s charter school laws by whether and how they do what they set out to — create the conditions for massive opportunities for students…

Newswire: March 1, 2016

Vol. 18, No. 9 MAKE SUPER TUESDAY COUNT. Whether or not you have voted yet, make your sure the ballot you cast is an informed decision. A vote for expanded educational opportunities is a vote for a great nation. Get educated about what’s at stake, what’s reality and what’s just rhetoric. And with November just…

NEWSWIRE: February 23, 2016

Vol. 18, No. 8 WILL KING SAVE OPPORTUNITY? When Acting Secretary of Education John King goes up for his Senate hearing this Thursday in Washington, DC at 2 pm by the Senate HELP Committee many will be watching to see if he will acknowledge the failure of the US Department of Education to disburse over…

Newswire: February 16, 2016

Vol. 18, No. 7 Special Edition CER Newswire Special Interests Obstruct Education Opportunities for Children Advocates of expanded parent power for children are encountering increased threats from opponents across the United States, curtailing or delaying school options for kids whose needs aren’t being met by their assigned schools. In Massachusetts, the NAACP and seven Boston…