Newswire – June 2, 2020
NO POMP - LOTS OF CIRCUMSTANCESCOVID 19 MEANT GRADUATIONS WITH NO POMP BUT LOTS OF CIRCUMSTANCES. This is a very different Newswire, but these are very different times. Anyone worried about the ingenuity of the upcoming generation need look no further than the joyous graduation celebrations that are taking place — looking nothing like what…
Newswire – May 26, 2020
FREEDOM’S LEGACY – AND FUTURE.BEFORE MEMORIAL DAY SLIPS OUT OF MEMORY, let’s be sure to remember what it is all about — the cost paid by our fellow Americans to insure that we all had a precious commodity, one they thought worth dying for — freedom.“WHY AMERICA”? Teaching love of country isn’t just for patriotic holidays. Now’s a good time to…
Newswire – May 19, 2020
EDUCATION’S BERLIN WALL. When the Berlin Wall fell and East Germans experienced freedom for the first time — there was no going back. With an assist from COVID19, and despite the overwhelming tragedies and seeming irreversible impact it has created, the walls confining students to education based on zip code has also fallen. Millions of…
Newswire – May 5, 2020
IT’S CHARTER SCHOOLS WEEK.THE FUTURE IS HERE – AND NOW. The year 2000. That’s when National Charter Schools Week started (though some suggest it was 1999). The first Congressional resolution was introduced in the House by Democratic Representative Tim Roemer of Indiana and by Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut. The resolution acknowledged and commended "the charter school movement for its…
Newswire – May 5, 2020
Week 8 of Quarantine?For some it’s 6, 7 or 8 but it’s been a long time. Everything has changed, including when we publish our content and what we are doing. In fact, some suggest that this pandemic has forced us to all do things differently, that have been a long time coming. Change is hard,…
Newswire – April 22, 2020
THE FUTURE OF SCHOOL? If you’re interested in that, you’ll want to be joining the CER ACTION Series (That’s ACTION — meaning Accelerating Change through Innovation and Opportunity NOW)! Part III on the Future of School covered the experiences of two Change Makers who combined, serve almost 80,000 students remotely and digitally with much individual…
Newswire – April 15, 2020
SCHOOLS ARE OPEN...It’s just the facilities that are closed. That’s what you’ll learn and see from today’s Ed Innovation Webinar, that despite the challenges and crisis, there are educators, leaders, visionaries and companies who are delivering for the students — our nation’s future.WHAT DOES THE FUTURE OF SCHOOL LOOK LIKE? You won’t want to miss…
Newswire – April 7, 2020
Perhaps the most famous literary first line in history (if you were fortunate to be exposed to English literature, which, for all too many people is not the case) is “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” from Dickens’ “A Tale of Two Cities.” COVID is creating for many the…
Newswire – April 1, 2020
YOUR NO FOOLIN’ GUIDE TO EDUCATION IN THE TIME OF COVIDYes — Today is April Fools’ Day - but there is no fooling around in this Newswire. Just information we know you can use whether you’re a parent, teacher, student, administrator or just a foot soldier in the one answer to COVID that we can…
Newswire – March 25, 2020
THE FUTURE IS NOW Our resolve is more firm than ever before. We are not blinking — never have and never will. We are redoubling our commitment and efforts to help education advance through and despite this crisis.Whenever this COVID19 crisis ends, and it WILL end, one thing is certain — things will never be the same. The…