Press Releases
Ineffective laws and overregulation are strangling education opportunity, CER charter school law research finds
Despite increasing demand for charter schools throughout the United States, an increased supply of new education opportunities for students has been compromised. This is owing to poorly written charter school laws and overregulation in many states, according to a new report from the Center for Education Reform. The 2018 National Charter School Law and Rankings…
Monday: US Supreme Court hears arguments on worker freedom
On Monday the U.S. Supreme Court hears oral arguments in Janus v. AFSCME. The significance of this case cannot be overstated; the decision could potentially restore the freedom of public employees to choose how they want their hard-earned paychecks spent, and might put decisions about voluntary union membership back into the hands of the employees…
Education Mediocrity Remains
Education gaps, access to training, technology and lack of options all add up to a ‘disappointing reality’ for most US citizens, according a new report authored by Dr. Cara Candal, Research Fellow at the Center for Education Reform.
Voices of Color, Voices for Opportunity: CER Response to NAACP Call for Moratorium on New Charter Schools
In 2017, the Center for Education Reform mounted an aggressive response to the deeply troubling debate over the future of charter schools. Even as charter schools continue to flourish and provide real education opportunity for students and families, leaders of the status quo launched a multi-pronged coordinated campaign to discredit charters by charging that the…
CER Urges: State of the Union Address Must Build a Bridge Between Education, National Security and Economic Prosperity
The Center for Education Reform is urging the 45th president of the US to use his office and his bully pulpit to make the inextricable link between the most important pre-condition for success for all Americans – individually and as a nation; Education.
BREAKING: Special National School Choice Week Podcast features Schools, Members of Congress and Ed Secretary
In honor of National School Choice Week, the nation’s most trusted leader in advancing education opportunity and innovation will salute the tens of thousands of parents, schools and advocates making a difference in education outcomes for all learners with special audio and video releases detailing the breadth and depth of support for ending inequitable education…
CER Urges President to Keep Education Front and Center in Rural Initiative
Today President Trump announced an initiative to achieve prosperity for rural America by advancing innovation and technology in these challenged communities. While this is promising news, education opportunity must be the foundation if the new initiative is to succeed.
U.S. Fourth-Graders Lag Behind Other Countries In Reading Statement by Jeanne Allen, Founder and CEO, the Center for Education Reform
The latest report on the deteriorating condition of U.S. fourth-graders’ reading proficiency is infuriating and depressing but a trend that is not at all surprising. The Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) has been administered every five years since 2001 and the fact that, as U.S. News reports, “Reading comprehension among fourth-grade students has…
The Education, Workforce and Apprenticeship Tax Credit Act Will Encourage Job Creation and Job Preparation
Washington, D.C. – Jeanne Allen, Founder and CEO of the Center for Education Reform released the following statement regarding the proposed Federal Tax Reform Package: As part of tax reform, there is an urgent need to ensure the preparation of current and future workers for the changing needs of the U.S. economy. Job creation and…
Civil Rights Leaders Speak Out on NAACP’s Charter School Stance
This stance keeps the Association at odds with thousands of parents and community leaders of color who know, firsthand, the critical role charters play in providing quality education to those in desperate need.