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January 9, 2017
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 9, 2017 Today’s attack on Education Secretary nominee Betsy DeVos by the president of the American Federation of Teachers was a “partisan rant by the leader of the first national union to endorse the Democratic nominee in the last election, and they lost,” said Jeanne Allen, Founder and CEO of the […] Read more »
January 6, 2017
“It is time to break through political barriers to opportunity for all learners” FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 6, 2017 WASHINGTON, DC — Declaring that “parents everywhere, especially those who despair at finding their children locked into failing schools and robbed of hope for their futures, will find that they have a true friend in Betsy DeVos,” […] Read more »
January 1, 2017
An agenda for federal action on education.WASHINGTON, DC (January 11, 2017) — Jeanne Allen, founder and CEO of the Center for Education Reform (CER), today announced the release of The First 100 Days: The Path to Going Bold on Education Innovation and Opportunity, an agenda for action by the federal government during the first 100 days of the […] Read more »
December 8, 2016
NACSA Says Washington State Is The Best FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 7, 2016 WASHINGTON, DC — A group claiming to represent the interests of charter school authorizers released a report yesterday rating Washington State among the top three charter school laws for authorizing, despite serious deficiencies in that state’s law. The National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA) also […] Read more »
December 6, 2016
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 6, 2016 WASHINGTON, DC — The US ranks 35th in math, 15th in reading, and 18th in science according to the 2015 PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) released today. Scores indicate a decline for the first time in several years in math, while reading and science remain stagnant. The PISA assessment, administered every three years […] Read more »
November 28, 2016
STATEMENT BY CER FOUNDER & CEO JEANNE ALLEN ON SELECTION OF BETSY DEVOS AS US SECRETARY OF EDUCATION FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 28, 2016 WASHINGTON, DC — Jeanne Allen, Founder and CEO of the Center for Education Reform, issued the following statement regarding President-Elect Donald Trump’s selection last week of Betsy DeVos as his Secretary […] Read more »
November 14, 2016
The Center for Education Reform (CER) today announced that Sacramento California’s Natomas Charter School had been named the winner of CER’s “Hey John Oliver Back Off My Charter School” video contest. Read more »
November 9, 2016
The Center for Education Reform (CER) analyzed Tuesday’s results through the prism of education innovation and opportunity. Read more »
November 9, 2016
Jeanne Allen, Founder and CEO of The Center for Education Reform (CER), today congratulated Donald Trump on his victory and called on the president-elect to unite the nation’s families and communities around improving education through innovation and opportunity. Read more »
November 2, 2016
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 2, 2016   WASHINGTON, DC — Ten charter schools from across the country have been named finalists in the Center for Education Reform’s sponsored “Hey John Oliver, Back Off My Charter School!” video contest.   The top ten finalists are: Gary Comer College Prep – Chicago, IL Indian River Charter High […] Read more »