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November 7, 2012
The leadership of The Center for Education Reform, the nation’s leading voice for structural and substantive change in education, today congratulated President Obama on his reelection, and offer the following suggestions for the President in his second term: Read more »
October 23, 2012
The enrollment numbers for the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program (OSP) released today show a troubling drop in the number of students being served by the program (1,584 students in 2012-2013 compared to 1,615 in SY 2011-2012). Read more »
October 15, 2012
Amendments to Pennsylvania’s charter school law, negotiated in recent days and awaiting legislative approval, would be a serious setback for charter school educators, leaders and parents. Read more »
October 15, 2012
Today the Center for Education Reform (CER) released its much anticipated Model Legislation for States which illustrates a need by a majority of states to overhaul their laws governing charter schools. Read more »
October 3, 2012
The roundtable will address the critical question of whether education can be run as a profitable business and still stay true to a humanitarian vision. Read more »
September 17, 2012
Many parents seeing the upcoming movie Won’t Back Down will no doubt leave the theater inspired to take up the same fight as the dedicated moms in the film. But, they may also wonder if such power is just a Hollywood invention. Now they can find out with the new Parent Power Index© (PPI) from the Center for Education Reform (CER) which ranks the United States based on how much power parents have over their children’s education. Read more »
September 12, 2012
The Center for Education Reform’s (CER) campaign to Take America Back to School on Education Reform continues with a web-based guide to candidate positions on education reform. is a dynamic tool that empowers voters to educate themselves about which candidates are real education reformers and which ones merely pay lip service to the idea. Read more »
September 11, 2012
I am pleased to share with you the second issue of our NEW LETTER TO FRIENDS, which is our semi-monthly report filled with exclusive news and observations you will not find anywhere else. Read more »
September 4, 2012
The Center for Education Reform (CER) releases “The Field Guide to Education Reform: How to Spot a Real Education Reformer” as part of its Taking America Back to School on Education Reform campaign. Read more »
August 22, 2012
As usual, the PDK/Gallup poll’s findings and analysis about public views on education and reform have the veneer of legitimacy. But once you scratch the surface, it is clear that the findings are “fruit from a poison tree,” since respondents are questioned without being given critical facts, data, and context. Read more »