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August 21, 2012
I hope you received my note the other day, about our New Letter to Friends. If you don’t feel like going back to your in-box, let me briefly explain. Read more »
August 21, 2012
Today the Center for Education Reform (CER) announced a major campaign to take the entire public – not just the students! – back to school on education reform. Read more »
August 15, 2012
Georgia Superintendent John Barge ran for office strongly supporting the amendment in a state where charter schools are popular. But once in office and really put to the test, he caved to those representing the failed status quo. Read more »
August 14, 2012
So, effective today, Newswire will become a daily news digest, and you’ll be able to sign up for these updates daily. We’ve offered this service all along on our blog Edspresso, and it is what drives much of our work at the Center each day. But we feel it is a better service to you – our customers – if you have greater access to this tool. Read more »
July 16, 2012
In remarks today to parents at the National Coalition for Public School Options (NCPSO) Family Reunion, CER President Jeanne Allen, talked about the demand for more school choice options, the reasons behind it, and why further expanding educational opportunities is imperative. Read more »
July 11, 2012
The Center for Education Reform (CER) released a new poll today showing Florida voters strongly support having more school options and the creation of new charter schools in the state. Read more »
July 11, 2012
The Center for Education Reform (CER) released a new poll today showing North Carolina voters strongly support having more school options and the creation of new charter schools in the state.  Read more »
June 21, 2012
GAO’s attempt to draw conclusions about enrollment of students with special needs in charter schools was a waste of resources. The GAO report, by the agency’s own admission, fails to meet fundamental and rudimentary research standards. It is based wholly on anecdotal snapshots of a limited number of schools and states. Read more »
June 19, 2012
The only way to truly measure charter school performance is at the state level. And in study after study, where apples are measured against apples and oranges against oranges, we see charter schools consistently outperforming traditional public schools. Read more »
June 11, 2012
This week brought yet another bad proposal that will undermine the progress that charters have made in the state of Pennsylvania. Charters in Pennsylvania typically only receive 70-82% of revenue that district schools receive. Now Rep. Fleck (R-Huntingdon) wants to compound the problem with House Bill 2364 which he introduced on Monday. Read more »